Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How Safe are Chemical Peels in Huntington NY?

Cosmetic treatments of every kind seem to be all the rage lately, but how safe are these treatments really? If you have been considering cosmetic treatments such as chemical peels in Huntington NY, you may be asking this question, and you would want an answer before receiving this treatment.

Q: How does a chemical peel work?

A chemical peel is a type of skin resurfacing treatment that uses a skin-safe acid solution to remove dead, damaged skin. A special solution will be custom-made to match your skin type and your specific cosmetic needs and is applied to the skin using a sponge and left to do its work for a specifically calculated amount of time determined by your doctor. Once the treatment is finished, the solution may be rinsed off and the skin will begin to peel, leaving you with fresh, new, unblemished skin after a few days or weeks.

Q: Where are you receiving this treatment?

As with any other treatment, you will want to make sure that for the safest and most effective results, you only receive a chemical peel from a qualified dermatologist. Though many spas and other facilities may offer this and other cosmetic treatments, only a dermatologist can be properly qualified to match a customized chemical peel to your skin in the safest and most effective way. Make sure that your chosen dermatologist is also qualified to perform chemical peels and other cosmetic treatments before going ahead with them.

Q: Are there any benefits to receiving a chemical peel?

Though it seems like a extreme treatment, a chemical peel is actually only speeding up your body’s natural process of removing layers of dead and damaged skin. The most obvious benefit of this is that you can get a more fresh and youthful appearance quickly before your new skin has also been damaged by sun, weather or even age-related factors. A chemical peel may also be useful for treating conditions such as acne.

To Learn More About Chemical Peels, Please Visit Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Why visit a dermatologist- New Orleans dermatologist explains

Why is dermatology important?

Our skin protects us on a daily basis, but sometimes we take it for granted. Skin that is cared for is easy to distinguish. Dermatology is the field of medicine that focuses on diagnosing issues of the skin and treating them accordingly to maintain good skin health. As skin problems range from the usually harmless acne to the more serious, life threatening skin cancer, it is advisable to go for regular dermatology check-ups as that will help you to maintain good overall health over the long term. Most dermatological problems are easy to cure or to manage when caught early, and therefore, everyone benefits from regular visits to the dermatologist.

How do you choose a good dermatologist in New Orleans?

Many years of education, training and experience are needed to become a skilled dermatologist. Make sure you go to a Board-certified specialist who is experienced in the specific treatment you seek. For instance, Botox and dermal filler treatments can only be provided by certified providers. You should not count on any beauty spa for such techniques. Advanced equipment also is a plus when it comes to dermatology because they increase the comfort and convenience of the patient.

What is offered by way of skin care?

The skin is a versatile organ but sometimes disease makes it malfunction. Skin care is about preventing disease and maintaining good skin health. Apart from the regular moisturizing and sunscreen use, skin care also means managing chronic conditions such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. Skin care also means professional skin cancer screening twice a year or more (depending on whether you are at risk). Skin care must be a concerted effort between the doctor and the patient. You need to follow the basic skin care regimen at home to possess beautiful healthy skin. 

To Learn More About Dermatologist, Please Visit Lupo Center for Aesthetic and General Dermatology

Tags to this page : Why visit a dermatologist- New Orleans dermatologist explainsDermatologist New Orleans

Monday, August 28, 2017

Which Dermatologist Should I Go in Huntington NY? - Reasons to Visit

dermatologist Huntington NY
There are many reasons why you may be in need of a dermatologist’s skills, but you will need to find out some key things in order to select an appropriate dermatologist. Here are some of the things you should consider when choosing the right dermatologist to visit in Huntington NY.

Q: What are the dermatologist’s qualifications?

One of the main things you need to find out about a dermatologist before you entrust yourself into their care is how they are qualified. With the many options available to you in Huntington, you should choose the best-qualified dermatologist you can find. Some of the qualifications to look for are a medical degree from a reputable university; special qualifications in any special treatments offered; membership at reputable dermatology and medical boards.

Q: How experienced is the dermatologist?

Qualifications are important, but they aren’t everything that matters. A highly qualified but inex-perienced doctor may still not be able to give you the best possible treatment, so you will also want to make sure your dermatologist has many years of experience to add to his or her resume as well. While examining the dermatologist’s level of experience, you may also wish to ask other patients about their experience with the doctor or to look at their reviews online. 

Q: What are some of the treatments a dermatologist might offer?

Dermatologists actually offer a surprisingly diverse number of treatments, all of which can improve your appearance and health in many ways. In addition to general or medical dermatology treatments such as the treatment of acne, moles, warts, rashes and skin conditions such as eczema, your dermatologist may also provide laser and cosmetic treatments. A few examples of these treatments include laser hair removal, chemical peels, and wrinkle treatments such as Botox. Dermatologists will also provide skin cancer screenings and even treatment up to a certain level.

To learn more about Dermatology, visit Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

For an attractive appearance, go for cosmetic surgery in Stockton

What are the general types of cosmetic surgery?

Cosmetic surgery will commonly include:

Reconstructive surgery

Reconstructive surgery is performed to improve visible conditions such as, malformed body parts due to injury, scars due to injury or surgery, skin conditions, and birth defects. These problems can affect your day to day life, whch includes relationships, your job, and self-esteem. 

Elective cosmetic surgery

You can go for elective cosmetic surgery if you are unhappy about your appearance. Elective cosmetic surgery can be done for a large nose, wrinkles, small breasts, and fat on your belly. These things can affect your confidence and self-esteem. 

Why is cosmetic surgery performed?

Most people go for cosmetic surgery due to their physical appearance. The shape, size, and look of your body may affect how you feel about yourself and how you live your life. There is nothing wrong in changing how you look. Some try to achieve this by exercise, diet, and other lifestyle changes. Others will have cosmetic surgery as an option for improving the appearance of certain parts of the body that can be altered.

You can achieve high satisfaction levels through cosmetic surgery. Your attitude and self-image towards your body will improve, leading to confidence and self-esteem. Clear and realistic expectations can lead to happy results through cosmetic surgery. 

Who is a good candidate for cosmetic surgery?

Many physical characteristics can be changed through cosmetic surgery.

Good candidates for cosmetic surgery are those who:

Have realistic expectations.
Have discussed goals with their surgeon and resolved questions 
Have chronic medical conditions under control
Have stable weight for six months to a year
Commit to abstain from smoking, chewing tobacco, and nicotine products
Understand the physical effects and medical risks during the healing process
Understand how the surgery will affect you professionally and personally
Understand the lifestyle changes that need to be made during the recovery period.

To Learn More About: Cosmetic Surgery    Please Visit: California Skin & Laser Center

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Why visit a Board Certified Dermatologist Jupiter FL?

The board-certification of a dermatologist is a process that is carried out by the American Board of Dermatology. Provision of board certification is to assure the public that a certain medical professional has completed an approved advanced educational program successfully. This includes an examination that will thoroughly evaluate the professional’s knowledge, experience, and skills. Dr. Peter Vitulli is a board certified dermatologist in Jupiter FL who offers a high standard of care to the patients in the area.     

What are the requirements to being board-certified?

The ABMS, which is short for American Board of Medical Specialties, governs 24 approved specialty certifying boards. For professionals who want to complete their board-certification, they need to complete certain requirements set by one of these boards. The specific requirements are set by the individual board; however the general requirements are alike. Some of the include completing a M.D. or D.O. degree at a recognized school of osteopathy or school of medicine. In addition to this, the required training has to be completed with an accredited residency program for their specific discipline. Assessments and documentation of the individual’s performance is also required from the hospital’s chief of service, or from the residency training director. Another requirement is that the applicant should not have any restrictions to practice their medical license. One of the most important requirements is that the specialty board exam must be passed. This will give the candidate the status of Diplomate and the certification of Specialist.   

Is there a limit to board-certification?

Board certifications issued prior to 1990 allow the specialist to exercise their certification for a lifetime. Following 1991 however, board certification is issued on a 10 year basis. All candidates after 1991 are entered into the Maintain of Certification. This program allows diplomates to maintain their medical knowledge and reflect on the quality of care that they offer. The diplomates are evaluated on four categories; lifelong learning, cognitive expertise, professional standing, and practice performance and evaluation.

To Learn More About Board Certified Dermatologist, Please Visit A Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Truth about Laser Hair Removal in Tamarac

Hiding those hairy areas under layers of clothes isn’t an option in the Sunshine State, so removing unwanted hair isn’t an option either. Nobody in Florida enjoys constantly removing their unwanted hair, which is why laser hair removal is such a popular service in Tamarac and surrounding areas. If you have been considering laser hair removal, you may want to know the facts about how this treatment works.

Q: How do lasers remove hair?

Lasers work on unwanted hair much like they do in other treatments but to a different effect. While many laser treatments only break up pigment in the skin to achieve other results, in laser hair removal the laser still targets pigment in the hair follicle, but the effect it has not only breaks up pigment but also damages the follicle so that it cannot produce hair again.

Q: Does laser hair removal permanently remove hair?

This is not as straightforward of a question as you may think. While laser hair removal can’t ensure that not a single hair ever grows back, it can reduce hair growth to the point that you will not need to shave or wax regularly and what little hair does grow back will mostly go un-noticed. However, these results do not occur after one treatment session. Hair grows in cycles, so the hair follicles treated in one session are not the same as the hair follicles treated in your next session. Repeated treatments are necessary to target all your hair’s growth cycles, with most patients needing around five separate treatments 

Q: Can anyone have their hair removed by lasers?

As with any treatment, there will be patients who are not suited to laser treatment. Your board-certified dermatologist should perform a patch test to make sure your skin reacts well, and if you have darker skin or hair that is too light, it is possible laser treatment might not work. You must ask your dermatologist if laser hair removal could work for you.

To Learn More About: Laser Hair Removal      Please Visit: Dr. Andrew Styperek

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For any skin related problems, visit a dermatologist in Montclair

What is dermatology? Who is a dermatologist?

A dermatologist is an expert in medicine whom you should consult if you have any significant problem with your skin. Dermatologists receive training to treat all age groups, skin types, and they understand immunologic to cancerous conditions of the skin. 

Dermatology is the science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of the hair, nails, and skin. The skin is the most visible and largest organ of the body. It is a reflection of the health of the body and acts as a barrier against bacteria and injury. Most people will encounter some kind of skin disease during their lifetime, as it is not limited to any age group. 

What are the most common skin disorders?

Common skin problems include
Skin cancer
Fungal infections
Hand dermatitis
Cold sores
Atopic eczema

What do dermatologists do?

Dermatologists will have expertise in pathology, microbiology, physics, physiology, and endocrinology. They must also be familiar with other medical specialties as skin disease can be associated with internal conditions. 

When does dermatologist perform skin surgery?

To establish a diagnosis or biopsy
To improve the appearance of your skin by removing growths, damage caused by aging discolorations, sunlight, or disease. 
To prevent, early control of disease 

Do I really need to take care of my skin?

Yes! You should take care of your skin for a variety of reason. Your skin acts as a shield, protecting from external stresses like allergies, temperature changes, infections, and environmental factors (e.g. the sun, pollution). Your skin will be a manifestation of health problems you may be facing. Your skin is also an important part as it will reveal your age, overall health, and sun damage.

Your dermatologist will not only help diagnose and prevent skin diseases but also help you improve your appearance for a young and healthy look.

To Learn More About Any Skin Related Problems, Please Visit Image Dermatology

Why Anti-Aging is Important – Portland Anti-Aging Center Explains

While aging cannot be stopped, it can be paused - not once but multiple times - to maintain youthful looks for years. Anti-aging is now synonymous with good health. From the time we become adults, we are told to eat healthy and to work out to prolong youth and to delay aging. When people are physically and mentally agile they can do more when they are senior citizens and not have to be dependent on others. They can still enjoy life, maintain good health, and even increase their life spans. Anti-aging is never just about looking a certain way but about increasing the quality of life long term. While this is a positive way of thinking, it is impossible to do it alone once you get to a certain age. That is when you need to consider making an appointment with a Portland anti-aging center. They will provide a wholesome care plan for you based on your individual needs. 

What is anti-aging skin care?

One of the most telltale signs of aging is skin wrinkling. If you are an outdoor person, it is likely that your skin looks older than it should. Sun exposure accelerates skin aging. Treatments like high intensity focused radiofrequency, wrinkle reduction, acne medication, dermal fillers, and Botox all help to improve skin tone, eliminate wrinkling and spots, and make the skin glow. Good skin is a hallmark of good health, and now it’s an easy achievement for anyone. Stimulating the natural healing property of the skin can give long lasting results. 

What are the other anti-aging treatments available?

Treatments that focus on shaping the face and the body, reducing body fat, and hair care techniques all add to the youthful effect. Consult your aesthetic clinic today to know how you too can benefit.

To Learn More About: Portland Anti-Aging Center    Please Visit: Thrive Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Center

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Who is an Aesthetic Medicine Specialist – Why Portland Anti-Aging Center?

How does one become an esthetic medicine specialist?

A medical doctor understands how the human body works and what to do whenever the body succumbs to illness. An aesthetic medicine specialist by contrast focuses on using his medical knowledge to help people to look and feel youthful for as long as possible. While the core purpose of medicine is disease diagnosis and management, some medical experts are more inclined towards disease prevention. They are fascinated by the process of aging and how this can be reversed. Specializing in naturopathic medicine after getting the medical degree helps such experts to combine internal medicine with cosmetic treatments and to give their patients the hope of preserving youthful looks. What better way to give patients a fuller life than boosting their confidence and their zest for life?

What is anti-aging medicine?

Aging is a natural process that everyone goes through but some age more than others, due to their mental stress levels, lifestyles, and experiences. Some people are prone to look older than they are due to their genes. Certain treatments exist to reverse to some extent or at least delay this aging process. Related treatments include hair and skin rejuvenation, removal of age spots, dermal fillers that restore lost volume, body sculpting techniques, hormone therapy and even surgical methods. All options help to make one lose years off their appearance and as you know, how you look is equated to how you feel. 

Why is a Portland anti-aging center the best place to go for treatment?

They are well equipped with the best anti-aging experts and the latest advances in aesthetic medicine. They offer a broad series of treatments that can turn anyone’s life around. Led by a vastly experienced team of doctors, you know that your health is in good hands the moment you step into a Portland anti-aging center. 

Skin Treatment Options at Anti-Aging Center Portland

Skin aging is hard to hide, even if you are a fan of makeup. That is why your favorite anti-aging center in Portland focuses primarily on skin when you go for consultations. 

What are skin treatment options available?

Botox injections – this works by relaxing muscles underlying the skin, making the skin less prone to repeated stretching and relaxing. Repeated sessions are needed to maintain wrinkle free skin over the years.

Facial plastic surgery – while not the first resort for wrinkle reduction, surgery is effective and gives long term results.

Dermal fillers and other injectables – these are extensively used by both men and women to maintain skin tone. Loss of tone makes cheeks sink in giving a tired appearance to the whole face. Filler treatment is quick and easy, but repeated sessions over time are needed to maintain results. 

Chemical peels – as opposed to natural peels made from fruits and vegetables, these peels use a chemical and work faster to reduce wrinkles and scars.

Microdermabrasion – by using the skin’s own healing responses, this method works safely to reveal new fresh skin. 

Laser therapy – lasers are the latest in aesthetic clinics to treat all kinds of skin problem including scars, acne, and wrinkles. 

Are anti-aging products effective?

Products like SkinMedica’s Age Defense series helps people of all skin types to look younger.

Retinol Complex. 25 is a topical cream that enhances the resilience and the tone of the skin. Fine lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced. 

Retinol Complex .50 is medium strength is this series. 

Retinol Complex 1.0 is the most concentrated form of skin treatment and can even the skin tone as well as reducing lines and wrinkles in any skin type. 

15%AHA/BHA cream – these help to exfoliate skin naturally. When applied twice a day on the skin it protects against free radicals and supplies nutrients to the skin.