Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The benefits of rejuvenating the face with PRP treatment in Sterling

PRP Treatment for Face Sterling
PRP Treatment for Face Sterling 

Patients who want to rejuvenate their face using non-surgical methods should opt for PRP treatment.

What is PRP?

Platelet rich plasma is extracted from the blood that is drawn from the patient’s body. The blood consists of different cells, including platelets. They promote the healing and growth of new cells. This accelerated healing property can be used to help patients to restore the youthfulness of their face by adding volume, reducing fine lines, and improving the texture of the skin. PRP is also used in other areas of medicine such as dentistry and wound healing.

What are the benefits of PRP treatment for the face?

When the platelets are injected into strategic places of the patient’s face, they promote the growth of collagen and rejuvenate the surrounding tissues. The result is that the patient is left with new and refreshed skin. Results are visible after three to four weeks. Most dermatologists in Sterling recommend that patients receive up to three PRP treatment sessions to achieve the desired results.  

Patients can opt for this treatment along with other face rejuvenation procedures such as chemical peels, laser treatments, Botox, and Kybella.

What is the procedure like?

The procedure is performed in the doctor’s office and takes about 15 minutes to complete.
A small sample of blood is drawn from the patient, which is placed on a device known as the centrifuge. This device spins at a pre-defined speed and separates the different cells to create a concentrated solution of platelets. While this takes place, the patient’s face is cleansed and prepared for the procedure. Once the concentrated solution of platelets is ready, it is injected carefully into specific areas on the face.
Patients may experience bruising, swelling, or redness in the treatment area. This usually fades away in about three days. Since the solution is made from the patient’s own body cells, the treatment is safe.

Dermatologist in Centreville, VA offers Kybella for double chin treatment

Double Chin Treatment Centreville VA
Double Chin Treatment Centreville VA 

For many, a double chin is a cause for cosmetic concern. There are many ways to address this problem. One of the most popular methods suggested by many Centerville, CA dermatologists is Kybella.

What is a double chin?

This is nothing but the submental layer of fat that is formed under a person’s chin. Usually, this condition occurs in individuals because of weight gain. Other factors such as aging, loose skin, and genetics can also play a role in it.

Double Chin Treatment Centreville VA What is Kybella?

Kybella is a US Food and Drug Administration approved drug. Kybella is an artificial form of deoxycholic acid. This substance is known to break down fat cells. When injected into the submental fat layer under the chin, the cells are destroyed. The result is that the patient is left with a better-defined jawline.

A single treatment might require around 20 injections. A person can receive up to six treatments over the course of six months. However, the patient needs to wait at least one month between the treatments.

What is the treatment plan?

A qualified dermatologist will assess your aesthetic goals and then estimate the number of injections and visits needed for the treatment. The procedure is delivered via a fine needle injection and can take up to 20 minutes. The patient should also inform the doctor of any previous medical conditions prior to receiving the treatment.

After the procedure, the patient can expect some bruising and inflammation in the treatment area. However, this will ease off in a few days.

Double Chin Treatment Centreville VA
How long do the effects last?

Since the fat cells are destroyed permanently through a metabolic process, no further treatment will be required after the patient has achieved his or her aesthetic goals. However, the doctor may also recommend lifestyle changes such as exercises and a healthy diet to ensure the best outcome possible.

To Learn More About Double Chin Treatment Centreville VA , Please Visit Dermatology Associates of Northern Virginia, Inc

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Looking for skin care services in CoolSprings? Read these tips!

Tips for Healthy Skin Care
Skin Care Services Franklin Tn

Your skin plays a crucial part in your overall appearance. Following a proper skin care regime is important if you plan to maintain healthy, flawless skin on all parts of your body. Many people only focus on the face; however, it is important to treat your complete body with goodness to ensure the skin color remains even in all parts of the body, there are no spots or unevenness in other areas of your skin. With advances in science and technology getting professional skin care services in CoolSprings can be the best option for long lasting results
What are the top tips for healthy skin care?

Skin Care Services Franklin Tn
Shield your skin from the sun

Exposure to sun can cause wrinkles, age spots and a range of other skin problems before you expect it. It is important to use a board spectrum sunscreen of at least 30 SPF before going out in the sun. If you are being exposed to the sun between 10am to 4pm, make sure to wear protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat, and stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible.

Skin Care Services Franklin Tn
➜ Be gentle
Avoid long hot baths or showers, harsh soaps, and use a lubricating lotion when shaving to avoid drying or damaging the skin. Moisturize your skin daily.

Skin Care Services Franklin Tn
➜ Avoid smoking

Smoking makes skin look older and triggers wrinkles early. If you want good looking and smooth skin, then avoid smoking.

What type of skin care regimen should I follow?

There are general skin types such as normal, oily, dry, or a combination. When you use a product, remember that your skin is unique. The treatment used by a person who has a similar skin type to yours may not be the best treatment option for you. There are various skin care services in Franklin Tn, choose what best suits you!

To Learn More About Skin Care Services Franklin Tn, Please Visit CoolSprings Laser, Aesthetic & Skin Care Center

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Mohs Skin Cancer treatment in Plano, TX is the most reliable method of removal

Mohs Skin Cancer Treatment Plano Tx
Mohs Skin Cancer Treatment Plano Tx

Everyone loves to have fun in the sun, but there may be dangerous repercussions to all that time spent outdoors. While we all are aware of the damaging effects of the sun and the need to wear sunscreen when out of the house, not everyone in Plano follows the basic precautions correctly. It is easy to forget to re apply the sunscreen after pool time and after several hours past the first application. These trivial things that keep us safe may be taken for granted. Unfortunately, skin cancer is still a common condition and the incidence will rise as the sun’s rays penetrate the ozone layer more and more.

How is skin cancer treated?

Diagnosis is the most important part here. If an early diagnosis is made, the prognosis will be good. Mohs skin cancer treatment is the best solution, as it removes all the cancerous cells, minimizing recurrence. It also leaves the healthy skin cells intact and unharmed. Because Mohs is very target specific, it can be used to treat areas where there is very little tissue beneath the cancer, such as in the eyelid or ear or hand.

What does Mohs skin cancer treatment feel like?

Mohs Surgery Flower Mound TX
Mohs Surgery Flower Mound TX
Not just any dermatologist in Plano TX can perform this surgery. It must be a specially trained surgeon. Typically, the patient is awake and alert during surgery and so the procedure can be done in a medical office as opposed to a hospital. However, if extensive surgery is needed you would need to be admitted as a hospital patient. After the anesthesia is delivered and takes effect the surgeon will start to cut the topmost cancerous skin layer. Then a thin layer of neighboring tissue will be taken out and checked through the microscope. If cancer cells remain, more tissue needs to be removed. This process is continued until no more cancer cells are seen under the microscope.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Fraxel Face Treatment New Orleans - Are Fraxel Lasers Safe?

fraxel new orleans
Are Fraxel Lasers Safe?

There is more than one way to have a makeover. Rather than just covering up the imperfections on your face with makeup, why not try a more permanent solution such as Fraxel treatment from a dermatologist in New Orleans?
Q: How does Fraxel laser treatment work?

Fraxel laser treatment encompasses the use of a few different types of lasers. One of the most effective Fraxel lasers is the Fraxel Restore Dual Wavelength System, which works by utilizing two highly effective types of lasers concurrently. Previously, patients had to choose between Fraxel laser treatments, either a superficial laser that provided minimal results or a harsher laser that required significant recovery time. With the Fraxel Restore Dual Wavelength System, patients can reap the benefits of both treatments at once, deeply rejuvenating the skin on the face with minimal downtime.
Q: What can the Fraxel laser treat?

The Fraxel laser can be used to resurface skin that is damaged by many factors. Not only can the Fraxel laser improve skin tone by removing blemishes such as acne scars, sun damage and other pigmentation problems such as actinic keratosis, it can also improve the texture of skin, easily smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles to leave you with skin that looks as good as it feels.
Q: How long does Fraxel laser treatment last?

As with most cosmetic treatments, the results of Fraxel laser treatment are not permanent, but they will certainly last longer than the results of a makeover. Generally, dermatologists recommend receiving a series of treatment sessions for the longest-lasting results, which will vary depending on the condition of your skin and how well you maintain the results yourself.

Rather than covering up your blemishes and wrinkles, try Fraxel laser skin resurfacing and remove your blemishes rather than hiding them.