Thursday, June 21, 2018

Cosmetic Treatments West Palm Beach for beautiful skin

An isolated or less invasive procedure may do as much as or more than an involved surgery. Your doctor may also recommend a number of non-surgical cosmetic treatments or skin care products to treat a specific problem.

Cosmetic Treatments West Palm Beach

Isolated cosmetic surgeries
People with less facial aging can minimize these effects with the help of a neck lift, mid face lift, forehead lift, or eyelid surgery for a more youthful and fresh look.

Your body appearance can be improved with cosmetic procedures like breast reduction or enlargement, liposuction, and abdominoplasty, better known as a tummy tuck.

Many surgical procedures that include cosmetic surgery have shifted from traditional open surgery to less invasive procedures. Minimal invasive surgery is done with specifically designed surgical instruments and with the aid of a viewing scope. The scope will enable the surgeon to do a major surgery with several tiny openings without the need for a large incision. Minimally invasive treatments will result in less scarring, less pain, accelerated recovery, and reduced health care costs. From heart surgeries to vasectomies, they are all performed with the use of minimally invasive methods nowadays. Therapeutic procedures and operations are done with smaller incisions, and they are becoming a standard with surgical treatments.

Cosmetic surgery which once required extensive recovery time and surgery is now done with minimally invasive techniques using new technology like lasers. Cosmetic surgeons and plastic surgeons have a variety of tools and techniques to make the less invasive cosmetic procedures more affordable and accessible.

Most of the cosmetic procedures will be performed on an outpatient basis in an operating room that is fully equipped, with the aid of general or local anesthesia. Recovery time will depend on the procedure and the general healing period will be one to two weeks for facial surgery. Most patients will be able to resume their day to day activities within the two weeks of surgery.

Your doctor will perform a physical exam, a detailed history and a detailed analysis of the area at the initial consultation. A clear picture of the planned changes can be provided to the patient through computer imaging and photography. For comfortable and affordable cosmetic treatments, visit a doctor in West Palm Beach.

To Learn More About Cosmetic Treatments West Palm Beach Please Visit Beer Dermatology

Miradry Treatment Cost, Benefits, and Reviews

When the body needs to cool off, it starts to sweat. While this is a normal bodily function, there are certain cases where a person’s sweat glands function even when the body is within the normal temperature range. This excessive sweating is a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. One of the main effects of this condition is its impact on a person’s self-confidence. However, there are treatments available that can help address this condition with relative ease. Many dermatologists offer a treatment known as Miradry, which is highly effective against hyperhidrosis. Because it is a relatively new treatment, many individuals want to know about Miradry treatment cost and its benefits and reviews in Portland OR.

Miradry Treatment Cost, Benefits, and Reviews Portland OR

How much would the treatment cost?

The cost of a Miradry treatment depends on the patient’s situation. During the consultation appointment, the dermatologist will talk about the particulars of the treatment, including the cost. The majority of patients will notice an improvement following one session. However, for more severe cases, multiple treatments may be needed. In spite of this, MiraDry is still an economical solution as it does not need touch-up sessions.

What are the benefits of MiraDry?

One of the notable benefits of MiraDry is that there is no downtime afterwards, allowing patients to return to their normal routines right after. Aside from this, any side effects such as redness or soreness are only temporary and will fade away after a few days. Another benefit is that the treatment will be comfortable as the treatment area will be numbed. In addition to this, patients will be able to notice an immediate and considerable reduction in odor and perspiration.

How effective is the treatment?

The Dermatologic Surgery medical journal published the results of a long-term study regarding MiraDry in July 2014. From the results, three main facts stood out. One was that after a treatment period of one year, the area that was treated had 82 percent fewer sweat glands on average. In addition, two years after the treatment, 100 percent of patients no longer reported problems with underarm sweating. Moreover, 89 percent of patients surveyed after two years said they were not bothered by underarm odor anymore.

To Learn More About Miradry Treatment Cost, Benefits, and Reviews Portland OR, Please Visit Thrive Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Center

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Friday, June 8, 2018

Laser treatment for stretch marks - Laser Therapy in Centreville VA

Pregnancy is such a beautiful time full of promise. You can relax in a blissful state of mind believing that your body has a chance to get back to its pre-pregnancy state with a good diet and exercise. Imagine how you feel when after childbirth you keep wondering where you went wrong because the stretched skin and the stretch marks on your stomach are not going away. This is when laser treatment can come to your rescue.

What is laser therapy?

Laser Therapy in Centreville VA
Laser Therapy in Centreville VA
Lasers are certain wavelengths of artificial light that can cause changes in body tissues in a safe manner. Advancing technology has made it possible for medical professionals to use lasers for specific treatments, leading to amazing results that were not previously thought possible. Lasers are target-specific and do not damage non-targeted cells. So laser therapy is one of the safest methods of treatment available today in Centreville VA.

How do stretch marks occur?

Stretch marks on the belly may fade with time, but for most mothers, they are a permanent fixture of the skin. It’s the same for anyone who has experienced significant weight loss and has to deal with stretched skin. Puberty and extreme muscle building can also lead to stretch marks. The skin is the largest organ of the body and is supple and strong, but if the supporting tissues are damaged when they are stretched too far or too quickly, skin laxity is lost. Stretch marks are visible bands on the skin and in severe cases can be disfiguring. There is no doubt that such marks leave you with low self-esteem.

Laser Therapy in Centreville VA

How can light therapy help?

Laser Therapy in Centreville VA
Laser Therapy in Centreville VA

ulsed dye lasers and pulsed light can visibly reduce stretch marks and even stimulate collagen (skin supporting tissue) production. Therefore the highlight of this treatment is that its effects last long, leaving you with great results for a long time. Laser therapy is performed by cosmetic, plastic, or skin surgeons. According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), laser therapy is the only proven method to reduce stretch marks. About 20 sessions may be needed for best results, and session costs will vary depending on your needs.