Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Lase Hair Removal Center in Jupitor FL
Lase Hair Removal Center in Jupitor FL

How does laser hair removal work?

Lase Hair Removal Center in Jupitor FL
Lase Hair Removal Center in Jupitor FL
Light is used to target pigments in individual hairs through laser hair removal. The light will travel along the shaft and into the follicle of the hair. The heat produced by the laser light will destroy the hair follicle and the hair will not be able to grow from it. Your hair will follow a unique cycle which includes resting, shedding, and growing periods. Hair that has been removed in its resting phase will not be visible to the laser or the technician. So, you may be required to wait until the hair regrows before removing it. For most, laser hair removal will consist of several treatments between 2 to 3-month periods.

How long will laser hair removal last?

If the hair follicle is completely destroyed, laser hair removal will be permanent. If the hair follicle is only damaged, eventually your hair will regrow. The time for your hair to regrow will depend on your unique hair growth cycle. Some people will have their hair grow faster than others. Hair that is in the resting phase will grow faster compared with the hair in the other phases.
Most could expect hair growth in a few months. Afterward, the patient can opt for more hair removal treatments.

Lase Hair Removal Center in Jupitor FL
Lase Hair Removal Center in Jupitor FL

What are the risks and side effects of laser hair removal?

During the treatment you could expect a sting, burning sensation or discomfort. Due to this reason, a numbing cream may be applied to the area that is being treated.
The most common minor side effects will include
          Skin redness
          Crusting or blistering of the skin
          Temporary skin color change particularly in people with dark skin.

The right treatment that reduces risks and side effects can be achieved by providing a detailed medical history.

Even if the hair regrows, you can expect less overall hair. It will lead to a smoother appearance. For realistic expectations from laser hair removal treatment, discuss your treatment goals with your doctor. Some hair types and skin complexions are capable of producing better results than others. You can talk with your doctor to know more about what to expect. For expert advice and treatments go to laser hair removal center in Jupiter FL.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Is Mohs Only for Skin Cancer?

Mohs Surgery Dermatologist in Plano

What is the Mohs micrographic surgery?

An experienced and professional dermatologist in Plano will tell you that Mohs surgery is a modern and advanced skin cancer treatment. When skin cancer develops on a very visible area, you may consider this surgery as it is quite conservative in the amount of the skin that is removed during the procedure. Further, those who suffer from recurring cancer may wish to consider this procedure as it can rid recurrent areas where skin cancer develops. The procedure entails effective removal of the cancer through excellent margin control and ensuring that the least amount of tissue is removed.

Can you tell me about the surgery process?

The Mohs micrographic surgery can be time consuming but it is highly effective as far as removal of skin cancer affected areas is concerned. The cancerous cells are removed layer after layer. Each of the layers that are removed are immediately viewed under a microscope to observe for the outer edges of cells that are cancerous. When it comes to the next layer, less skin is removed so that the maximum amount of healthy skin is kept intact. This is repeated till all the areas that are visibly affected by cancer are removed. Even in the case of skin cancer which runs deep into the skin layers, this treatment method can ensure that the cancer is entirely removed.

How is this procedure different from traditional excision?

When compared to traditional excision, Mohs surgery requires an experienced dermatologist in Plano who possesses specialized training which may not be available in all surgical practices.

Could I be a candidate for Mohs surgery?

Once you have been diagnosed with skin cancer, your will be provided with different treatment options. These will consider the type and depth of cancer alongside your individual medical history. The common treatment choices that will be made available to you are the use of creams, cryotherapy, electrodessicate and curettage, radiation therapy, Mohs surgery and simple excision. Based on your individual dermatologist’s experience, he or she will guide you towards the best suited plan depending on your individual preferences, requirements and own aesthetic ambitions.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Acne Treatment Process

Acne Treatment Process Near Walnut Creek CA

When it comes acne, it is normally thought of as a problem affecting teenagers. However, this is not necessarily the case; acne can even be problem for adults. In fact, each year there are countless adult patients seeking treatment for acne. In any form, mild or severe, it can be an emotionally and physically draining skin condition. When treating this condition, it can be complicated since the condition’s characteristics tend to change from one patient to another. Therefore, it is not possible for a single acne treatment process to be used by dermatologists near Walnut Creek CA to help every patient.

What are the treatment options available for acne?

Acne Treatment Process Near Walnut Creek CA
Under the care of a dermatologist, there are are several treatments that can be carried out to help address acne. One of these treatments is Microdermabrasion. This treatment works by gently brushing off the upper layer of skin, which reveals the fresh, healthier skin that lies beneath. It can be used to address a range of skin conditions, both cosmetic and medical in nature.

In addition to this, chemical peels can be used to address acne. With this method, dead skin and affected areas can be removed. A chemical peel involves a certain mixture of ingredients that is applied to the patient’s face. This will remove any impurities, and dead and damaged skin cells.

Another treatment option that has seen use recently are laser and light therapies. With the oil and swelling that results from acne, light and laser therapies can help lessen its appearance and improve skin tone and texture.

What can be done at home?

Aside from dermatology treatments, patients can use a specialized skin care regimen that suits their specific skin type. Such a skin care regimen can be developed with the assistance of a dermatologist, who will tailor the process to the patient’s individual skin type and condition. Gentle cleansers will be recommended to clean the skin, with toners being used to address pore size, and moisturizers being used to hydrate the skin control the production of oils. There are also certain over the counter or prescription-strength topical medications that can help control acne. With a combination of these, an effective skin care routine can be developed to find relief from acne.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Safe ThermiVA Treatment in Algonquin IL

Safe ThermiVA Treatment in Algonquin IL
Being a woman is a privilege.  You have the chance not only to lead your life in a positive manner but to give life too. Sometimes women get carried away in their nurturing role and forget to take care of themselves. A healthy sex life can take a back seat when you devote yourself to your family’s needs. You may feel uncomfortable thinking that you look bad or that you haven’t paid much attention to your private parts. Now there is an exciting non-surgical method to get your body back on track and it’s called ThermiVA.

What is this method about?

It is a vaginal rejuvenation tool that can treat multiple issues. Safe thermiVA treatment in Algonquin IL is performed in the clinic in a matter of minutes.

Due to aging or even giving birth the vaginal muscles tend to get extensively stretched. Not only is this visibly unattractive, there is also a slight loss of sensation. In other words sexual pleasure is reduced due to vaginal stretching. This in turn leads to dissatisfaction with physical intimacy and even emotional issues. It can take a toll on any healthy relationship.

Safe ThermiVA Treatment in Algonquin IL

Vulva-vaginal laxity, incontinence, overactive bladder, prolapse and orgasm problems are some of the common issues that can be treated successfully with this new method. Treatment can be safely to the g-spot and clitoral area. The device uses heat therapy through radio frequency waves to stimulate collagen production in the target area. It is totally non-invasive and painless. Therefore there is no recovery time.

Vaginal tightening is noticed immediately after treatment. Pelvic floor is made stronger, negating the need for bladder surgery. Nerve sensitivity in the vagina is also noticeably increased. Labial tightening reduces the camel toe look and the tissues are softer to the touch. After the procedure women find it easier to wear tight skimpy clothing such as bikini bottoms, G-strings, leotards and skinny jeans. Vaginal dryness is another issue corrected by ThermiVA. Increased moisture softens the skin, leading to less sexual pain and more satisfaction during intercourse.

To Learn More About Safe ThermiVA Treatment in Algonquin IL, Please Visit Dermatology Specialists of Illinois

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Laser Vascular Treatment New Orleans LA - Does Vascular Laser Work

Along with age comes some unwanted unpleasant features, such as wrinkles, age spots and enlarged veins. While Botox and dermal fillers can work for the former two, spider veins and varicose veins do not respond to them.

Laser Vascular Treatment New Orleans LA

What are spider veins and varicose veins?

The vascular system is made up of veins and arteries that carry the blood to all parts of the body. Due to old age some of these vein valves become dysfunctional, slowing down circulation. The unidirectional flow is also interrupted. This causes blood to collect at a few places creating local enlargements in the vein. They can show up through the skin as purplish or pinkish soft bumps. They occur mainly on the hands,legs and face but can appear on other areas too.  Spider veins are small and look like tiny webs along the skin. While these are not generally detrimental to health, they can be uncomfortable. Itchiness is a common occurrence. Legs may feel weighed down due to sluggish blood flow.

Who is at risk?

People whose occupation requires a lot of standing, such as policemen and teachers, are more at risk of developing enlarged veins. Obese people and pregnant mothers may also develop this condition.

What is the treatment?

While there are various forms of treatment in New Orleans LA, some are more advanced and effective than others. The latest method is laser vascular treatment. It is very safe and target specific. This means that only the enlarged veins will be treated and not the surrounding tissues, including the skin. There is only slight discomfort associated with this treatment and recovery time is negligible. The technique is simple, fast and there are no known side effects. In fact, lasers are now the go-to method for many medical procedures due to their efficacy and safety record. Lasers break down the veins and they are absorbed into the body without any harmful effect.  Treatment time depends on the size of the lesion but the procedure only takes minutes.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Eczema Treatments in Sterling VA - Are Eczema and Psoriasis Related

Eczema Treatments in Sterling VA

What is eczema and what is psoriasis?
Anyone who is undergoing eczema treatments in Sterling VA will know that this is a long-term condition that can impact the skin. It results from a reaction of a hypersensitive nature. Hence, the reaction causes the skin to overreact to certain triggers such as animals, soaps, fabrics, dyes and a range of other irritants. The condition is quite common in infants and people tend to outgrow it by childhood or in their early adult years. With this condition, the skin appears reddish and may be pus-filled, blistered, cracked, inflamed and may even be peeling. Most eczema can be cleared using topical treatment. However, psoriasis appears as a thick patch of white scales. With this chronic autoimmune condition, there is an overproduction of skin cells and once they die, they build up into silvery-white scales. In turn, the skin becomes red and inflamed, causing severe itching. While psoriasis isn’t contagious, it has no cure as well. It is important to understand that both these conditions are different and will require differing courses of treatment.

At what age do these skin conditions start?
Eczema is typically seen in young children and babies. In most patients, the symptoms improve as they grow up. However, psoriasis develops between the ages of fifteen to thirty five years or at other ages, too. It is very rarely that babies will develop psoriasis. 

Are there any key differences between psoriasis and eczema?
A professional in Sterling VA who provides eczema treatments will tell you that psoriasis causes scaly, red, thick, well-defined patches typically in areas such as the knees and elbows. These may also be seen on the scalp, buttocks and face. It is also common to see thick skin patches with overlying redness. However, eczema usually appears in the crooks of the elbows and knees. A professional would be able to tell the difference between these two conditions based on the appearance, the severity of the itchiness and of course the location of the patch.

Are these skin conditions linked to other health conditions?
Yes, they can be. Eczema may be a genetic condition or can be linked to hay fever or asthma. However, psoriasis is linked to more serious health concerns such as depression, heart disease or even diabetes. 

Botox Injection Treatment Near Glen Ridge NJ - How Botox Works

Q1. What is Botox?

A Botox injection treatment near Glen Ridge NJ comprises the use of this filler to provide temporary relief to the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the face by causing the facial muscles that lie beneath to relax. The injectable agent is prepare from a neuromuscular toxin that is produced by the botulinum toxin type A bacteria. Although it can be lethal in its purest form, Botox comprises a highly diluted form of this compound and has been proven to be both effective and safe. Its use has received approval from the U.S. FDA for use in the smoothing of frown lines and the alleviation of eye-muscle disorders.

Q2. Who are the best candidates for the Botox treatment?

Since it is a ‘lunchtime’ procedure, i.e. it can be done within just ten minutes, a large majority of people find that they are perfect candidates for this treatment. Although the treatment is approved by the FDA for those between the ages of eighteen and sixty five years, you will need to speak to a Botox injection treatment specialist near Glen Ridge NJ to know whether you are a good candidate.

Q3. How does Botox work?

Botox works by preventing the transmission of signals that are sent from the nerves to the muscles. Hence, the injected muscle cannot contract causing wrinkles to soften and relax. Typically this cosmetic filler is used on the lines around the eyes (crow’s feet), frown lines and forehead lines. The wrinkles that are caused by gravity and sun damage cannot be treated by the Botox treatment. It is also commonly used at the corners of mouth, lip lines, chin and the neck.

Q4. Can you tell me about the procedure?

The entire procedure takes a few minutes and you will not require any anesthesia. It is typically injected using a fine needle into the affected muscles. It will take between three days to a week to see the full effects. It would be best to avoid drinking alcohol for at least a week before the procedure and avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medications and aspirin for at least two weeks before the treatment.

Botox Injection Treatment Near Glen Ridge NJ

To Learn More About Botox Injection Treatment Near Glen Ridge NJ, Please Visit Image Dermatology

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Sunday, July 8, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Getting Cosmetic Fillers in Franklin TN

There are many options available to individuals who are looking for dermatology treatments to achieve a rejuvenated appearance. One of the options more frequently chosen by Franklin TN residents is cosmetic fillers. Among the many cosmetic fillers offered by dermatologists, two of the more popular ones are the JuvĂ©derm dermal filler and the BellaFill injection. 

Cosmetic Fillers Franklin TN

What is the Juvéderm dermal filler?

This injectable filler is a popular choice among many. Juvéderm is mainly composed of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring carbohydrate in the body. It helps the skin to remain hydrated, healthy and looking youthful by binding water molecules together. The hyaluronic acid used in Juvéderm, however, is made in a laboratory rather than being sourced from animals. This helps in keeping the solution pure clinically and reducing the risk of an allergic reaction in the patient. When being administered, Juvéderm is precisely injected to a predetermined area of the skin where volume has been lost or age signs are present.

Juvéderm is among the best of the minimally invasive rejuvenation treatments. The smooth gel that it administers can soften lines that form around the mouth and nose. In addition to this, it is able to address moderate to severe lines and wrinkles effectively, with results lasting up to 18 months.

What is the Bellafill injection?

The Bellafill injection is another popular cosmetic filler. It is comprised of 80 percent collagen, which helps add volume to the injected area immediately, lifting facial features and smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. Along with 80 percent of collagen, it contains 20 percent of PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) microspheres. Once injected, the collagen will be metabolized by the body as time passes. This leaves behind the microspheres which provide the structure that will promote and sustain the production of natural collagen.

Similar to many other cosmetic fillers, Bellafill is a minimally invasive treatment. It offers long lasting results when it comes to wrinkle reduction without the need for cuts, sutures, or scars. Aside from this, there is little to no downtime associated with this treatment. One of the more notable benefits of this treatment is that there will be instantly noticeable improvement. It should also be noted that desired results can normally be achieved in just one session, which will normally last around 30 minutes or less.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Why You Really Need Laser Treatments in Huntington NY

The concept behind the modern laser technology can be traced to the early 20th century. It is reflected in one of Albert Einstein’s theories which states that atoms can absorb and give off energy and, with proper stimulation, can deliver this energy at a precise wavelength in a specific direction. As time went by, lasers were tested in medical applications. In 1961, the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine’s Dermatology department developed the first medicine laser laboratory, taking the first step in modern medical lasers. Nowadays, lasers are being used on surgical and non-invasive treatments throughout the medical field.

Laser Treatments in Huntington NY

What can laser treatments be used for?

Laser treatments are offered in Huntington NY area dermatologists to help address a variety of concerns their patients have. These lasers have been proven as safe and effective for use in their capacities through studies and research. Some cosmetics applications of lasers include tattoo removal, and hair removal for individuals dealing with excess hair on various areas of the body. In addition to this, laser treatments can help with address fine lines, wrinkles, loose and sagging skin, and other signs of aging. It is even effective when dealing with acne and acne scarring. Patients suffering from Rosacea and Vitiligo can also benefit from laser treatments. Aside from this, patients who are dealing with visible veins on their face or legs can benefit from a laser treatment.

What types of lasers are available?

For the variety of dermatology treatments available, there are standalone laser systems, or laser systems that can help complement them. A commonly used laser among many dermatologists is the XTRAC® Excimer Laser. A laser treatment can simply be described as a device delivering an intense beam of light to a targeted area. Based on the wavelength of the light used, some tissues of the body will absorb the laser energy. A notable fact of the XTRAC laser is that the wavelength this system uses fall within the light range of the UVB rays. The rays within this wavelength are more sensitive and useful for treating a range of conditions.