Monday, November 19, 2018

What are the best acne treatment options for teens ?

Why does acne occur?

Acne usually occurs during puberty when there is a constant fluctuation of hormones in the body. It can also be caused by stress, lack of sleep, menstruation, and other hormonal imbalances. There are several things to avoid if you’re looking to control your acne. While there is no evidence that diet influences acne, consuming more vegetables and fruits can help you add nutrients to your body, which will help give you healthy, bright skin. Fruits carry several healthy acids and fats, which help the skin repair quickly and will assist in eradicating acne scarring in a natural and efficient manner.

It is essential that pimples are not touched or popped. It could lead to deep scarring, which cannot be treated by topical home treatments and will require medical assistance to rejuvenate the skin to its original state. Topical antibiotics and Retin-A creams are a good choice for you if your scarring is minimal and your skin doesn’t have a lot of acne.
Hormonal therapy is a great option, which your dermatologist will suggest for you upon examining the type of acne you have, whether it is hormonal acne or cystic acne. Hormonal therapy, including oral contraceptives is a procedure in which oral contraceptive pills are prescribed to control the hormone production in the body so that the acne will reduce overtime.

Oral antibiotics and retinoids such as Accutane are an extremely effective remedy, which has been utilized by doctors when all other treatments fail to produce the desired results.
Mild chemical peels could be performed at home; however, it is always advisable to visit a professional, as chemical peels could cause severe burns and damage to your skin if the procedure isn’t conducted correctly. Light sources, including Blue Light and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) are cosmetic procedures performed to produce effective results for patients who wish to treat severe acne. These procedures will restore your skin into its original state much quicker than the procedures mentioned above.
For flawless, smooth and beautiful skin, opt for the best acne treatment for teens in Jupiter, FL.