Thursday, May 31, 2018

Go for Cellfina near Mountain View, for an elegant and attractive appearance.

Cellfina Near Me Mountain View
Cellfina Near Me Mountain View

How do you prepare for Cellfina?

Cellfina is a non-surgical procedure that is minimally invasive, so you will not need to do much preparation before the procedure. A good candidate for this procedure will:

           Have a stable weight

           Be between the ages of 20 and 60

           Have minimal looseness or skin laxity.

You can consult with your doctor and see if you are a good candidate for this procedure. The doctor will also help you in setting realistic expectations on how the treatment as a whole can address all your needs.

How does Cellfina work?

Cellfina Near Me Mountain View
Cellfina Near Me Mountain View
Cellfina works best for dimple type cellulite. Cellfina is cleared by the FDA to treat the buttocks and the thighs. Cellulite dimples in the skin are caused by connective tissues that are also known as fibrous bands. These bands help to connect your skin to the tissue. These bands are capable of pulling in some of the skin, which causes fat in the area to bulge. This can lead to small depressions knowns as cellulite dimples.
Cellfina technology uses a procedure known as subcision. This procedure is also used in treating wrinkles and scars. Cellfina uses a device as small as a needle to address the connective bands that are present in the skin.

Before the procedure, the doctor will ask you to stand up, and he or she will mark the areas that have been identified with cellulite dimples. After the administration of a numbing solution, the doctor will use the Cellfina handheld device and insert a microblade under your skin. Your doctor will then use a stabilized, guided subcision technique that will work with a fanning motion to release the fibrous bands that are present under the skin. This will cause the cellulite dimples to return back to their positions. It will take an hour on average to treat 25 dimples. The results will be visible in the treated area in about 3 days and can last for up to 3 years. According to studies, Cellfina can improve the appearance of cellulite even up to two years after patients have gone through the procedure. If you want a better appearance and you are wondering, “Where can I get Cellfina treatment near me?”, visit a qualified doctor in Mountain View to learn how this treatment can improve your appearance.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

For an elegant appearance, go for acne treatment in Jupiter FL

Depending on the severity, acne can lead to scars on the skin and emotional distress. Earlier treatment can help lower the risk of such problems.

What are the symptoms that are related to acne?
The signs and symptoms of acne can depend on the severity of your condition.

              Blackheads – open plugged pores

              Whiteheads – closed plugged pores

              Tender bumps - small red bumps (papules)

              Pustules - pimples with pus on the tips

              Nodules - large painful, solid lumps underneath the surface of the skin.

              Cystic lesions - pus-filled, painful lumps that form underneath the surface of the skin.

When should you see a doctor?

If self-care medications and remedies do not clear up your acne, you should see a primary care doctor. The doctor will prescribe stronger medication. If your acne is persistent, you can seek medical treatment from a dermatologist, who is a specialist in the skin. Women can be affected by persistent acne that flares up a week before menstruation for decades. These types of acne tend to clear up without any other treatment by using contraceptives. Older adults can have a sudden onset of severe acne that may turn out to be a signal of an underlying disease that may require medical attention. The Food and Drug Administration has warned of nonprescription acne cleansers and lotions and other related skin products that can cause serious reactions.

Acne Treatment Jupiter FL
Acne Treatment Jupiter FL

What are the main factors that cause acne?


              Excess oil production

              Hair follicles clogged with dead skin cells and oil

              Excess activity of hormones (Androgens)

Acne Treatment Jupiter FL
Acne Treatment Jupiter FL
Acne appears on the chest, face, forehead, shoulders, and upper back as these areas of the skin consist of the most oil glands. The oil glands are connected to hair follicles.

The follicle wall can bulge and form a white head. This plug can also open and cause the surface to darken and result in a blackhead. The blackhead will look like dirt stuck in the pore. The pore is congested with oil and bacteria and turns brown as it is exposed to the air. For crystal clear skin, go for acne treatment in Jupiter FL.

To Learn More About Acne Treatment Jupiter FL, Please Visit A Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery

Tags to this Page: How Effective Is Acne Treatment - Acne Treatment Jupiter FL, Dermatologist Jupiter FL

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How to remove unwanted fat - Vanquish treatment

Are you on the verge of giving up on your dieting plan and exercise routine because it does not seem to work? Do you lose a couple of pounds around the waist only to put them back on again in a matter of weeks? If you know that youve tried your best to lose unwanted fat and are desperate for a permanent solution, you may want to visit your dermatologist in Walnut Creek CA.

Vanquish treatment Walnut Creek CA
Vanquish treatment Walnut Creek CA

What is Vanquish treatment?

This is a means to lose unwanted fat especially in the abdomen area where people have a lot of trouble losing fat as they age. It improves the contours of the midsection, making it possible to retain your youthful figure and wear fabulous clothes with confidence. This device has received the stamp of approval from the FDA and gives wonderful results to those who have tried for years to lose excess fat in the stomach area without results.

How does it work?

Vanquish utilizes radio frequency energy which can generate heat directed at fat deposits. As it is a selective process, only the fat is broken up and other body tissues are left unharmed. The fat is then allowed to be eliminated from the body over time in a natural manner.

Is it painful?

There is no pain reported with this treatment, but the patient may feel slight discomfort. The device does not touch your skin. It has panels that are positioned over the specific body area that contains unwanted fat.

How long is the treatment time?

One session may last for about 45 minutes, and a series of treatments is recommended for best results. Each session may be timed 4 to 6 weeks apart. Several inches can be lost from the waist after the series is completed, and it takes about 2 months after the last session to see the best results. This is because the melted fat takes time to be removed from the body naturally.

What are the Vanquish treatment areas?

Apart from the abdomen, the thighs, upper back, flanks and the bra line are also treated with good outcomes.

To Learn More About Vanquish treatment Walnut Creek CA, Please Visit The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute

Tags to this Page: How to remove unwanted fat - Vanquish treatment, Dermatologist Walnut Creek CA

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

To get rid of acne, go for microdermabrasion treatments in Huntington.

Microdermabrasion Treatment Huntington
Microdermabrasion Treatment Huntington

Microdermabrasion treatment in Huntington will exfoliate the skin on the surface layer using suction and abrasion. It will also improve the appearance of the skin by reducing early sun damage, reducing fine lines, and mild and shallow acne marks. It is not a good option for deep wrinkles and deep acne scars. For optimal results, microdermabrasion can be repeated every three to four weeks.

Microdermabrasion is a skin exfoliating treatment that is machine assisted and very popular. When compared with other invasive resurfacing methods like laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and chemical peeling, microdermabrasion has minimal risk and rapid recovery. Microdermabrasion only removes a very superficial depth of skin. It is effective in improving the surface condition of the skin that includes early photoaging, age spots, fine lines, acne, and superficial scarring. Although microdermabrasion is most commonly done on the face, it can also be done on any skin area like the back, chest, hands, and neck. Microdermabrasion is also referred to as diamond peel, lunchtime peel and Parisian peel.

Does microdermabrasion get rid of acne?

Microdermabrasion Treatment Huntington
Microdermabrasion Treatment Huntington
Anti-acne cleansers claim to penetrate deep into the pore to remove the oil and dirt that cause the inflammations. Microdermabrasion strips dirt plugs or blackheads from pores through a combination of suction and skin abrasion. The layer of skin that is removed is very thin and has no live cells. The skin is not damaged by the process, as you cannot damage something that is not alive. The crystals from the wand used in microdermabrasion abrade the skin and the vacuum sucks dirt and dead cells to unclog your pores. Stronger suction will be used to unclog pores when microdermabrasion is used for acne as sandblasting is unable to get deep on its own.

You can experience fewer breakouts and your complexion will be smoother, better, and have fewer blackheads. Most patients will be pleased and recommend the treatment to others. Microdermabrasion can be used to effectively fight mild acne and provide you with excellent results.

To Learn More About Microdermabrasion Treatment Huntington, Please Visit Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center

Tags to this Page: To get rid of acne, go for microdermabrasion treatments in Huntington, Dermatology Huntington 11743 NY

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Light Therapy for Skin Conditions - Psoriasis Light Treatment Plano TX

Psoriasis Light Treatment Plano TX
Psoriasis Light Treatment Plano TX

What is psoriasis?

This is an inherited chronic condition of the skin that can come and go with time. It is quite common and occurs in both men and women of all ages. In this condition, the life cycle of skin cells is sped up by certain triggers causing cells to proliferate on the skin surface. This creates scales and red patches which can be irritable and even painful. Treatment is focused on stopping the accelerated growth of skin cells.

Is there a cure for this disease?

No, there is no cure, but symptoms can be contained with treatment. Phototherapy or light therapy is the most successful form of treatment available currently. This involves consistently exposing the skin to UV light under a doctor’s supervision. The UV rays penetrate the skin and slow down skin cell multiplication.

What are the different types of psoriasis light treatment in Plano TX?

UVB or ultraviolet light B is very effective for treating psoriasis, and this treatment can be performed in a clinic or at home. Symptoms may worsen before improvement is seen. The skin may also turn red and itchy right after treatment. If this happens, the amount of rays may be reduced for the sake of comfort. In any case, side effects will gradually lessen with each treatment session. Studies have shown that narrow-band UVB acts very fast in clearing away the scales. It does this by suppressing the immune system, which reduces inflammation triggered by psoriasis. Normally NB-UVB (311nm wavelength) is used, but a range of ultraviolet A or UVA wavelengths and higher wavelengths of UVB may also be used. Exposure time is very short for UVB rays, as in seconds to a few minutes, and depends on factors such as intensity of the lamps and the skin sensitivity and pigmentation of the patient. A timer can be set to finish treatment after the desired exposure.

Psoralen + UVA treatment can clear away psoriasis symptoms for different time periods for different patients. Psoriasis of the palms and soles, plaque psoriasis, and guttate psoriasis respond well to this treatment. Short term side effects are itchy, red skin and nausea.

To Learn More About Psoriasis Light Treatment Plano TX, Please Visit Center for Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Surgery

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment in Fort Myers, FL

If you have never heard of seborrheic dermatitis, you are not alone, but like many other people, you
may still suffer from this common condition. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition of the scalp
which causes excessive dandruff and a scaly scalp, and often requires treatment from a
dermatologist in South West Florida.

Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment Fort Myers FL
Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment Fort Myers FL

Q: Is seborrheic dermatitis the same as dandruff?

Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis are closely related, but not necessarily the same thing. While
seborrheic dermatitis is marked by excessive dandruff, it is possible to have mild dandruff without
having seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff is caused by similar factors to those that cause acne, while
the causes of seborrheic dermatitis are officially still unknown. Seborrheic dermatitis may appear
with dandruff as well as scaly patches of skin that may appear grey, white, or even reddish in color
and may be itchy.
Q: Can seborrheic dermatitis cause hair loss?

Yes, many patients report temporary shedding or hair loss (telogen effluvium) along with seborrheic
dermatitis due to the inflammation and stress placed on the scalp by the condition. Luckily, with the
right treatments, this hair loss can be stopped once the dermatitis is treated and brought under
control. In most cases, the effects of the hair loss can be reversed once the condition has been
Q: Can seborrheic dermatitis be treated?

As is the case with most skin conditions, seborrheic dermatitis is best treated when a dermatologist
in Fort Myers FL can identify irritants or the underlying cause of the condition. With the right
treatments, seborrheic dermatitis can be effectively treated and managed, though there is officially
no permanent cure. Seborrheic dermatitis may resolve itself without medical treatment in some
cases, but more often, it will require a dermatologist’s care, especially if it is linked to hair loss.
Treatments may include medicated shampoos or creams, anti-fungal medication – either topical
or oral, and some lifestyle changes to limit exposure to irritants.