Thursday, May 24, 2018

For an elegant appearance, go for acne treatment in Jupiter FL

Depending on the severity, acne can lead to scars on the skin and emotional distress. Earlier treatment can help lower the risk of such problems.

What are the symptoms that are related to acne?
The signs and symptoms of acne can depend on the severity of your condition.

              Blackheads – open plugged pores

              Whiteheads – closed plugged pores

              Tender bumps - small red bumps (papules)

              Pustules - pimples with pus on the tips

              Nodules - large painful, solid lumps underneath the surface of the skin.

              Cystic lesions - pus-filled, painful lumps that form underneath the surface of the skin.

When should you see a doctor?

If self-care medications and remedies do not clear up your acne, you should see a primary care doctor. The doctor will prescribe stronger medication. If your acne is persistent, you can seek medical treatment from a dermatologist, who is a specialist in the skin. Women can be affected by persistent acne that flares up a week before menstruation for decades. These types of acne tend to clear up without any other treatment by using contraceptives. Older adults can have a sudden onset of severe acne that may turn out to be a signal of an underlying disease that may require medical attention. The Food and Drug Administration has warned of nonprescription acne cleansers and lotions and other related skin products that can cause serious reactions.

Acne Treatment Jupiter FL
Acne Treatment Jupiter FL

What are the main factors that cause acne?


              Excess oil production

              Hair follicles clogged with dead skin cells and oil

              Excess activity of hormones (Androgens)

Acne Treatment Jupiter FL
Acne Treatment Jupiter FL
Acne appears on the chest, face, forehead, shoulders, and upper back as these areas of the skin consist of the most oil glands. The oil glands are connected to hair follicles.

The follicle wall can bulge and form a white head. This plug can also open and cause the surface to darken and result in a blackhead. The blackhead will look like dirt stuck in the pore. The pore is congested with oil and bacteria and turns brown as it is exposed to the air. For crystal clear skin, go for acne treatment in Jupiter FL.

To Learn More About Acne Treatment Jupiter FL, Please Visit A Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery

Tags to this Page: How Effective Is Acne Treatment - Acne Treatment Jupiter FL, Dermatologist Jupiter FL

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