Monday, September 10, 2018

For a youthful appearance, Go for IPL treatment

IPL Treatment Near Grapevine TX

IPL can be used to remove or minimize the following

           Sun damage
           Age Spots
           Varicose veins
           Broken blood vessels present on the face
           The hair on the neck, face, legs, chest, bikini line, and the underarms

What is the difference between laser treatment and IPL treatments?

IPLtreatments are very similar to laser treatments. A laser will only focus one wavelength of light onto the skin. Intense pulsed light, on the other hand, will release light that has different wavelengths like those found in a photo flash.
The pigment cells that are present on your skin will absorb the produced light energy which will be converted into heat. This heat will destroy the unwanted pigment, spots, and freckles. 
It can also destroy hair follicles so that hair can be prevented from growing back again. IPL can be used anywhere on your body, but it may not work well on areas that are uneven. This treatment is not recommended for people who have raised, thick keloid scars or for those who have a darker skin tone. It is also less effective on light colored hair than dark hair.

What should I know before getting IPL treatment?

Before an IPL procedure, your skin specialist will perform an examination on your skin and will let you know what you should expect. You should let the specialist know about any skin conditions that you may have that could affect healing after treatment such as eczema and inflammatory acne.
Your skin care specialist may want you to avoid certain medication, activities, and other products for two weeks prior to the IPL treatment. The specialist will clean the area that is to be treated which will be followed by the application of cooling gel. Then the light pulses will be directed onto the skin from the IPL device. You will be required to wear dark glasses for eye protection.
IPL Treatment Near Grapevine TXYou may feel a sting due to the pulses of light. The feeling will be somewhat like being snapped with a rubber band. The treatment time will depend on the body area that is to be treated and the size of the area. You may require up to six treatments to get the desired results. The treatments should be spaced a month apart to let your skin heal. Hair removal may require 6 to 12 treatments. 
For a spotless appearance, go for IPL treatment near Grapevine TX.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Ten things you need to know about Voluma XC Injection

Voluma XC Injection Portland OR

Having full cheeks is a sign of youth. Losing skin volume is a common sign of aging and it is in these later years that the baby cheeks are missed by many.  Sometimes people lose skin tone quite early and that makes them look older than they are. Here we talk of the latest Voluma XC Injection method popular in Portland OR.

1. What is Voluma XC Injection?

This is an injectable gel that is used for correction of hollow cheeks that result from aging and the related loss of skin volume. It is recommended for the mid-face for males and females in Portland OR , of over 21 years of age.

2. Who else should not use this method?

Those with severe allergies (anaphylaxis) should avoid Voluma XC injection. Those who have had allergic conditions to  gram positive bacterial proteins or lidocaine (included in the treatment mixture) should also avoid.

3. Who should administer treatment?

A healthcare professional with suitable training and experience, along with knowledge of the facial anatomy.

4. Is this treatment safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding?

This has not yet been determined and therefore it is better to avoid the injections in these cases.

5. Does treatment carry a risk of infection?

Yes as with any injectable, here also there is the possibility of  infection if post treatment steps are not followed.

6. What are the possible side effects?

Side effects have always been minor and temporary. Only about 5% of those treated will experience such symptoms. These include sensitivity at site of injection, redness, swelling, itchiness, firmness, bumps, bruising, pain and discoloration.

7. How long does treatment take?

You only need to spare a few minutes to get the cheeks that you used to have in youth.

8. What is the downtime?

There is no downtime. You can easily pop in for treatment during your lunch break and go back to work immediately afterwards.

9. How is this treatment different from others?

This is the only hyaluronic acid filler that instantly adds volume to the cheeks.

10. Is treatment FDA approved?


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What benefits can expect from Xtrac Laser Treatment?

Xtrac Laser Treatment Algonquin IL

What conditions can be treated by Xtrac laser treatment in Algonquin IL?

Both children and adults who suffer from vitiligo, psoriasis and certain forms of eczema can benefit from Xtrac laser treatment. These skin conditions can pose several physical and emotional challenges due to the self-consciousness that they create in patients. With this treatment, specific spots or entire areas of your skin can be treated.

Can you give me a brief introduction to the Xtrac treatment?

In the case of patients who suffer from certain types of eczema, vitiligo and psoriasis that are of moderate severity, they can avail of long lasting relief with Xtrac laser therapy. In this treatment, a highly focused beam of light is used for the treatment of active lesions to benefit from rapid and effective clearing without any inflicting any injuries upon healthy tissue. The success of this treatment will hinge on patients attending multiple sessions. In the large majority of patients, they can achieve results within 4 to 10 brief sessions with one to three sessions every week.

How does Xtrac work?

The Xtrac laser treatment in Algonquin IL does not hurt. However, you should expect to feel a warm sensation during the course of the session. Prior to the beginning of the treatment, the dermatologist will apply mineral oil to the treatment area to ensure the laser’s effective penetration into any active lesions. During the course of the treatment, a handheld applicator is placed on the skin and moved across the treatment area. The laser’s small head will deliver UVB rays to only the affected skin. For twelve to twenty four hours after the treatment, the skin may take on a sunburned appearance alongside a burning or itching sensation. These are typical symptoms and you should not feel any large amount of discomfort.

What are the benefits of the Xtrac treatment?

The treatment is quick and effective as patients can observe a dramatic reduction in symptoms within just four to ten sessions. The treatment is also rather painless and does not require any downtime or anesthesia. Once you have completed the treatment you can expect to experience a reduction in the symptoms of the skin condition for several months or years. You will also no longer need to follow any daily regimen of cream and medication.

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Monday, September 3, 2018

Why Skin Tightening Treatment Center New Orleans Had Been So Popular Till Now?

I have crepey and sagging skin. What is the most popular treatment option?

Today numerous patients are turning to skin tightening treatment center in New Orleans for Exilis treatment. This comprises the use of a radiofrequency device for the tightening of skin through the stimulation of the body’s natural production of elastin and collagen. With this treatment, patients will notice significant aesthetic improvement in specific areas of the body and face where skin laxity was a concern. Although this may not happen immediately as is seen with traditional plastic surgery, you will see the improvement gradually occurring thereby resulting in a more natural change.

Are there any specific benefits associated with this treatment option?

One of the reasons why skin tightening treatment centers in New Orelans are popular is because they offer Exilis which is not only affordable but it is also very effective. When compared to several other skin treatments, it is a quick and non-invasive option which makes use of modern technology and techniques.

How do I know whether I am a candidate for this treatment?

To have your candidacy assessed, you must schedule an appointment with your dermatologist to undergo an evaluation and skin examination. Once you have described your individual issues with your skin and your aesthetic ambitions, the skin tightening treatment center professional in New Orleans will be able to ascertain whether this is the best solution for you. Some patients may find that laser therapies or surgical procedures may be the better option for them. Hence, it is important for you discuss your needs to get a better idea of whether Exilis is the right treatment for you.

For how long will the treatment results last?

Since this skin tightening treatment stimulates production of the body’s natural collagen and elastin, which may have fallen over the years, you can expect to see the changes and enjoy the final aesthetic benefits for several years. However, you can visit the skin tightening treatment center on a regular basis to ensure continual improvement of the skin and thereby ensure a more youthful appearance. Your dermatologist would be able to provide you a thorough evaluation and discuss the frequency of treatments that are required to help you achieve the results that you desire.