Friday, September 7, 2018

Ten things you need to know about Voluma XC Injection

Voluma XC Injection Portland OR

Having full cheeks is a sign of youth. Losing skin volume is a common sign of aging and it is in these later years that the baby cheeks are missed by many.  Sometimes people lose skin tone quite early and that makes them look older than they are. Here we talk of the latest Voluma XC Injection method popular in Portland OR.

1. What is Voluma XC Injection?

This is an injectable gel that is used for correction of hollow cheeks that result from aging and the related loss of skin volume. It is recommended for the mid-face for males and females in Portland OR , of over 21 years of age.

2. Who else should not use this method?

Those with severe allergies (anaphylaxis) should avoid Voluma XC injection. Those who have had allergic conditions to  gram positive bacterial proteins or lidocaine (included in the treatment mixture) should also avoid.

3. Who should administer treatment?

A healthcare professional with suitable training and experience, along with knowledge of the facial anatomy.

4. Is this treatment safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding?

This has not yet been determined and therefore it is better to avoid the injections in these cases.

5. Does treatment carry a risk of infection?

Yes as with any injectable, here also there is the possibility of  infection if post treatment steps are not followed.

6. What are the possible side effects?

Side effects have always been minor and temporary. Only about 5% of those treated will experience such symptoms. These include sensitivity at site of injection, redness, swelling, itchiness, firmness, bumps, bruising, pain and discoloration.

7. How long does treatment take?

You only need to spare a few minutes to get the cheeks that you used to have in youth.

8. What is the downtime?

There is no downtime. You can easily pop in for treatment during your lunch break and go back to work immediately afterwards.

9. How is this treatment different from others?

This is the only hyaluronic acid filler that instantly adds volume to the cheeks.

10. Is treatment FDA approved?


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