Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Understanding Your Acne Treatment Options

Can you tell me a little about acne treatment options?
The best acne treatment options in Montclair NJ focus on the inhibition of production of sebum, limiting the growth of bacteria or it encourages the shedding of skin cells so that the pores get unclogged. Since acne therapies tend to have side effects, if you suffer from acne, it is important that you proceed with any new course of treatment with some level of caution.
Acne Treatment Options Montclair NJ
I have heard that Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid treatments are available over-the-counter. Can these help me?
If you are suffering from mild acne, you may be recommended a nonprescription drug that comprises benzoyl peroxide. This works by destroying any bacteria that causes the acne. Typically this course of treatment will take at least a month to work and you have to use it continuously to prevent any flare up of the acne. This does not affect the production of sebum or the manner in which the skin follicle cells are shed. Therefore, once you stop using the product, the acne tends to return. Salicylic acid helps in the correction of the abnormal shedding of cells. In the case of mild acne, it can help to unclog pores and to resolve and prevent the formation of lesions, although it doesn’t have any effect on the production of sebum and doesn’t kill bacteria. These acne treatment options in Montclair NJ have to be used continuously as, if not, the pores will clog again and the acne will return.
How can topical retinol gel help me?
Retinol works by preventing pimples from forming. It does so by affecting the growth of cells and by reducing any swelling and inflammation. In most cases, the acne will appear to worsen before it improves since the gel will also work on the pimples which have already started forming below the skin. It is important to use the gel continuously and you will begin to see results in about two to three months.
Acne Treatment Options Montclair NJ

Can you give me any quick tips to prevent future acne outbreaks?
In order to reduce the emergence of new lesions and to minimize irritation of the skin, consider using products that are suited for sensitive skin or non-comedogenic products. It is also important to use a mild cleanser at least twice on a daily basis. Steer clear of any products or cleansers which have a gritty texture or those which contain scrubbing particles. It is also important to avoid popping, squeezing or picking pimples as these can cause skin infections and scarring, as well.
To Learn More About Acne Treatment Options Montclair NJ, Please Visit Image Dermatology

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