Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Can Ultherapy help with skin tightening in Mountain View CA

During youth, a person’s skin will be thick and taut. However, as time goes on, skin will lose these youthful features. Normally, the most effective option is to undergo a facelift to address this issue. However, for individuals who are looking for a non-surgical alternative, Ultherapy is offered by many a Mountain View dermatologist. This treatment has received FDA-approval is a effective at improving the laxity and tone of skin under the chin, on the neck, and around the brow.

What should be expected from the treatment?

When undergoing an Ultherapy treatment, the doctor will initially cleanse the treatment area. Following this, the ultrasound gel will be applied. A handpiece will then be placed on the skin and slight pressure will be applied on it. This allows the doctor to get an image on the display that accurately indicates the depth of the treatment area. Based on these images, the focused ultrasound energy will be precisely delivered from the handpiece through the surface of the skin. This ultrasound energy will reach the foundation skin tissue, where it will stimulate the production of new collagen.  

How does Ultherapy work?

Ultrasound can simply be described as sound waves of a high frequency that is not audible by humans. This ultrasound energy is employed in the Ultherapy, and can be characterized by vibrations which have a frequency of more than 20,000 Hz. When administered to skin in a focused manner, this energy is readily absorbed. These sound waves are converted into thermal energy. This thermal energy is directed by Ultherapy to the precise layers of the skin which will lead to the production of fresh collagen. A person skin is kept firm and thick; in its youthful state with collagen. This substance is a fibrous protein meshwork, which is regularly produced in youth, but declines with age. Ultherapy restarts it production with ultrasound energy.

To Learn More About: Ultherapy Mountain View     

How CoolSculpting in Mountain View help get rid of unwanted fat

Individuals who have gone on a healthy and balanced diet, and maintains a good exercise regimen to achieve their dream figure will normally run into a problem with their plan. This problem is the presence of excess pockets of fat. These areas of unwanted fat are normally resistant to diet and exercise, preventing a person from achieving their desired body shape. Individuals who want to address such excess pockets of fat with a non-surgical option can benefit from a CoolSculpting treatment in Mountain View.

What is CoolSculpting?

Since the introduction of CoolSculpting to the field of dermatology, it has quickly become a popular treatment. In fact, statistics show that it is the most commonly chosen non-invasive fat reduction treatment in the United States. Zeltiq, the organization behind CoolSculpting, was also recognized in 2014 as the top medical device company. Using an innovative method of cooling to eliminate fat, it has gained the attention of many people looking to achieve their dream body shape’s.

What is the principle behind CoolSculpting?

With CoolSculpting, the device works by freezing fat cells and eliminating them through the natural processes of the body. When the cold temperature freezes the fat cells, they start to crystallize. These crystals of frozen fat then remain in the patient’s body for a period of time, during which these cells begin to die out. Once these cells die, they stimulate the body’s immune system and enzymes to break down the fat cells. Afterwards, they will be eliminated from the body naturally. Once removed from the body, fat will not accumulate again in the treated areas. As a result, if the patient happens to gain weight after undergoing a CoolSculpting treatment, the fat will bypass these areas of the body and accumulate in different areas. 

To Learn More About: CoolSculpting Treatment     Please Visit: The Menkes Clinic & Surgery Center

Tags to this Page: How CoolSculpting in Mountain View help get rid of unwanted fat, Dermatologist Mountain View

Monday, November 20, 2017

Is varicose vein laser treatment safe and effective? – Plano TX

What are varicose veins?

If you spot reddish/purplish snaking tubes on your legs, especially at the back of knees, you have varicose veins. They appear in other places too like the face and hands. They show up conspicuously on fair-skinned people but are also visible on people with darker skin. Sometimes these tubes branch out and twist and turn like tiny snakes. 

Is this only a cosmetic problem?

It mostly is yes. However if they get worse they may collectively make the legs feel heavy. Some people may get tired just standing or walking when they have varicose veins.  Itchiness can also persist at the locations of the enlarged veins. If you scratch them they may get wounded and lead to infection so scratching should be avoided. 

What are the possible treatments for varicose veins in Plano TX?

Treatment includes surgery, wearing compression garments and laser methods but of course treatment has to be customized for each individual and the extent of the disease. 

What is laser treatment like?

ND:YAG laser treatment is commonly used to cure varicose veins. It raises the blood temperature within the enlarged veins leading to blood coagulation. In the long term this will lead to collapsing of the superficial blood vessels and deeper veins will take over the circulation. Therefore you are not harming the circulatory system with this treatment nor are any other tissues getting affected. Lasers are deemed very safe and thousands of dermatologists perform laser treatment for varicose veins each year. Results are also nothing short of amazing and there is rarely any recurrence afterwards. 

Who can undergo laser treatment?

Anybody of any age can be a candidate. Lasers do not discriminate based on age or color of skin. Since it is a non-invasive procedure hardly any recovery time is needed.  Treatment is also completed in less than half an hour. 

To Learn More About: Vein Treatments     Please Visit: Center for Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Surgery

What are the laser/IPL cosmetic procedures near Plano TX?

Cosmetic dermatology is a fast advancing area of medicine because we are increasingly becoming an image conscious society. People now know that even getting a good job is not limited to qualifications and experience but includes your overall appearance and attitude.  Everyone is trying to keep their youthful looks for as long as possible. Lasers are beneficial in this endeavor. 

What are lasers?

These are devices that use certain wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and treat skin problems. The following conditions can be successfully treated with lasers:
  • Acne and acne scars – high intensity lasers will be used for acne scars which usually run deep.
  • Sun damage – this can be reversed with the use of mild laser treatment. 
  • Moles 
  • Hypertrophic scars
  • Unwanted hair – laser hair removal is the best way to keep unwanted hair away permanently. You may need to go for several treatment sessions to achieve lasting results. Touch-ups may be needed years later to make sure the hair does not come back. 
  • Warts

Intense pulse light or IPL is used for the following procedures:
  • Sun spots
  • Rosacea 
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Birthmarks
  • Spider veins

Why are lasers preferred over other methods?

Laser treatment is very quick, usually taking only minutes for completion. It is also painless. You may feel only a hot sensation when in treatment. Most laser devices have a cooling part attached which eases any discomfort. Lasers are also very target specific and does not damage any surrounding tissue. Used in the hands of a qualified medical practitioner in Plano TX, lasers provide the ultimate tool to combat many skin issues. 

What is IPL?

This is another method that is very effective for skin conditions. It delivers a pulse of light that penetrates through the skin and reaches its target. IPL is very versatile and highly customizable. Therefore ILP is also safe for any patient. 

To Learn More About: Cosmetic Procedures     Please Visit: Center for Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Surgery

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What are the most important cancer screening tests one should take in New York, NY?

Screening is the process of looking for cancer before a person shows any symptoms. If the screening results turn out to be abnormal, you will require further test and find out if you have cancer. These tests will be called diagnostic tests. 

Different types of cancer will require different types of tests. Screening tests are done because they are helpful in detecting cancer and decrease the chances of dying from it. 

If you spot any signs or worrisome changes, you should immediately report it to your doctor. Regular skin checkups will be essential for people who have already undergone skin cancer treatments. If an area of your skin is seen to be abnormal, a biopsy will be required. Your doctor will remove a tissue sample with a local excision upon suspicion. A pathologist will closely observe the tissue for cancer cells. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a skin growth is not cancer (benign) or cancer (malignant). In some instances, you will need the biopsy sample to be checked by another pathologist. 

Most of the melanomas that appear on the skin can be seen by the naked eye. Usually, melanomas will grow under the top layer of the skin called the epidermis for a long time, but do not grow into deeper layers of the skin known as the dermis. This will allow for skin cancer to be found at an early stage.  

Being exposed to UV radiation can increase the risk of skin cancer. Anything that can increase the risk of a disease is called a risk factor, but it does not mean you will get cancer. Having skin that is sensitive to UV radiation and being exposed to UV radiation can be considered as risk factors for skin cancer. UV radiation is rays that are invisible and emitted from the sun. Tanning beds and sunlamps will also emit UV radiation. 

What is the cost of facelift surgery in New York, NY?

Your surgeon will start by making an incision in the temple area and circle in the front of the ear. The skin will be raised and the tissue and muscle underneath the skin will be tightened. The surgeon may also remove some skin and fat. The skin will be re-draped over the face and the incisions will be sutured. 

The incision will usually be made along the hairline or where the skin naturally creases so it will not show after the surgery. Some people can also have a limited incision facelift. The surgery will use short incisions close to the ear and the temple. Sometimes the incisions will be made under the lip or near the eyelid. The surgery can take several hours and you may be able to go home the same day. But sometimes you may be required to stay one night in the hospital. 

Why is the surgery performed?

Facelifts are done to make your face look younger. It will eliminate wrinkles, lift sagging muscles, and tighten your skin. 

How well does facelift work?

A facelift can help your face look healthier and younger. You will continue to age but facelift procedures will take years off your face. This can increase your self-confidence and reduce the anxiety of growing older. 

A facelift can also reduce signs of aging. But it will not be able to reverse sun damage on the skin, remove all wrinkles in the area around the eyes, around the lips, and under the nose. To obtain the best results, you may want to have a facelift and then treat skin damage on your face. The safety and effectiveness of a facelift will depend on the skill of your surgeon. 

As with many other cosmetic procedures, you can be happy with the results of a facelift procedure. You should have a realistic, clear expectations about what can be achieved through the surgery and share your goals with your plastic surgeon. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Skin cancer causes and treatments in Fort Myers FL

Skin cancer is dangerous skin condition in Fort Myers FL that affects many people. According to statistics from the American Cancer Society, there are more new cases of skin cancer being diagnosed yearly than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers. Skin cancer is mainly caused by excessive exposure to harmful rays from the sun. 

What can cause skin cancer?

The sun emits ultra violet rays, or UV rays. These rays are of two common types; UVA and UVB. Both types of rays are the considerable contributing factor to the development of skin cancer. Being exposed to such harmful rays can have considerable adverse effects on skin cells. When UV rays hit the skin cells, they affect the DNA of the cells. Once the DNA of the cells is damaged, they multiply rather fast, which can result in a cancerous growth. It should be noted that the sun is not the only source of such UV rays; tanning beds and solariums have found to emit harmful UV light as well. 

How can skin cancer be treated?

When it comes to address skin cancer, Mohs Micrographic Surgery is one of the most effective options available. This technique was founded in the 1930s by Dr. Frederick Mohs. Since then, this method has been the golden standard for treating skin cancer. With constant improvements to its technique and appliances used, Mohs Surgery has become even more effective. 

This method involves a repetitive process of analyzing skin samples. The process begins with the doctor excising a sample of skin from the area in question. Afterwards, this sample is analyzed for the presence of cancer cells. If cancerous cells are found, the doctor will excise a further sample of skin and analyze it. Once again, if cancer cells are present, the process is repeated until no cancer cells are found. This method is very effective, with little to no chance of resurgence. 

To Learn More About: Skin Conditions     Please Visit: Florida Skin Center

Acne treatment from dermatology clinic near Fort Myers FL

Acne is condition that affects many people. It can be draining on an individual, both physically and emotionally. This inflammatory condition normally develops when the pores on the skin become blocked. Dead skin cells tend to accumulate in these pores, which block them. In addition to this, there are sebaceous glands on the skin that produce oil which helps with keeping skin and hair adequately lubricated and waterproof. When this oil and dead skin cells combine with cosmetic products and environmental debris, bacteria thrives in the pores. Afterwards, pores can become swollen and filled with infection. Many an acne treatment clinic offers treatments for individuals near Fort Myers FL looking to address this condition. 

What are the treatment options available for acne?

When treating a patient for acne, it is not possible to use one standardized treatment to achieve the same result. Since skin type, severity of the condition, and skin reaction differs from one patient to another, it is important to create a custom treatment plan. Before starting treatment for a patient, dermatologists thoroughly assess the skin and create a suitable course of treatment to suit the individual. Normally, however, the any treatment aims to control active signs of acne. When the current symptoms are controlled, maintenance of the healthy skin follows. 

For this purpose there are several treatment options that dermatologists use. The first method is the use of prescription medication. Such medication is used to address acne through internal or topical application. With internal medication, the infection and swelling of the pores can be controlled, whereas the topical medications provide effective results on the surface. 

In addition to this, chemical peels are used to address acne. With a peel, the upper layer of dead and damaged skin cells is removed. This helps by improving the texture and tone with the growth of a fresh layer of skin. In the case that aggressive treatment is required, dermatologists will employ laser therapies which can penetrate deep into skin to achieve the desired results.

Options for mole removal in Algonquin

Moles are skin growths that are mostly harmless. They vary in size, color and shape. Any individual has between 10 to 50 moles on their body at birth. However, at birth, some of these moles are not visible and tend to darken as time passes. Most moles normally do not present a problem, and many people leave these skin growths be. There are certain occasions where a person may choose to have a mole removed due to cosmetic reasons. However, a mole can at times become cancerous, which has also prompted individuals to consider mole removal in Algonquin. 

What are the options available for mole removal?

When it comes to removing moles, patients may opt to do so for cosmetic or medical reasons. Regardless of the reason, there are several options offered by dermatologists for this purpose. 

One option for the removal of moles is with Shave Excision. This method is effective for addressing moles that are raised above skin level. With this procedure, the dermatologist starts by applying a local anesthetic to the treatment area around the mole. A small, sharp scalpel will then be used to shave down the mole’s surface until it is on the same level as the skin. Excision surgery is a another method that is used. This involves the dermatologist cutting out the mole in its entirety, and closing off the wound with stitches. When dealing with smaller moles, the Punch Biopsy technique is used. The doctor uses a specialized device to remove a circular portion of skin. 

A newer method that is being used is laser mole removal. With this method, moles that are flat and dark in color can be removed with ease. For the complete removal of a mole, between one and three visits to the dermatologist’s office are required. A local anesthetic will initially be applied, after which the laser will be used to remove the mole.    

To Learn More About: Mole Removal     Please Visit: Dermatology Specialists of Illinois

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Identifying skin cancer early on in Algonquin

From all the forms of cancer, the most commonly diagnosed type is skin cancer. In fact, there more cases of skin cancer diagnosed than breast, lung, and prostate cancer combined. While this condition seems dangerous, it can be treated if it is detected early on, or even avoided if proper steps are taken. When it comes to identifying skin cancer early, there are several steps an Algonquin residents can take.  

What steps can be taken at home to detect skin cancer?

Self-examination is among the best ways of identifying areas of concern on the skin. Regularly checking all areas of one’s skin and taking note of skin growth such as moles is essential to maintaining optimal health. It is important to take note of any moles that do not seem normal. In such cases, visiting the dermatologist and having such moles examined further is the best course of action. To do so, it is important to first become familiar with one’s own skin and take certain steps when doing a self-checkup. One important warning sign to look for is moles or growth with irregular or jagged border. In addition to this, new moles or lesions should be taken note of. Another important sign is any moles that show a change of texture, shape, size, or color. Moreover, moles or growths that constantly itch, bleed or ooze can be an indicator of skin cancer. 

What treatment options are available?

One of the most effective treatment options for skin cancer is Mohs Surgery. It is a minor procedure that involves a skin sample being taken from the targeted area. This sample is examined for cancerous cells. If cancerous cells are present, another sample will be taken and analyzed. Should cancer cells be present, this process is repeated until a sample shows no cancer cells. 

To Learn More About: Skin Cancer      Please Visit: Dermatology Specialists of Illinois

How can Dysport treatment help New Orleans residents?

As time passes, the signs of aging become increasingly noticeable. When this happens, both men and women have a tendency to feel insecure about their appearance. With age signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, and folds appearing on a person’s face, it can give them an appearance that is older than they really are. Many dermatologists offer Dysport in New Orleans to help individuals who want to address age signs and restore a youthful appearance. 

What is Dysport?

Dysport is an injectable treatment which received its FDA approval in 2009. Since that time, it is a been a popular option for individuals looking to address age signs and take years off their face. This treatment has provided millions of patients the desired results since its introduction, and remain a popular choice to date. Similar to its counterpart Botox, Dysport too is developed from botulinum toxin A. The treatment is administered with the use of a fine needle. It involves minimal discomfort and can be completed in a short period of time. This treatment is effective at addressing a range of age signs, including crow’s feet, wrinkles between the eyebrows, and forehead folds. 

How does it work?

This injectable is a neuromodulator. It is formulated to reduce muscle contractions and smooth out dynamic wrinkles which have formed with time. With age, the muscles in the face tend to contract and remain in that state. This results in fine lines and wrinkles appearing on the surface of the skin. When Dysport is injected into the area, it will block the nerve impulses that cause the muscles to remain contracted and cause them to relax. This will lead to the fine lines and wrinkles on the surface smoothing out. While it is not possible to completely prevent age signs from developing, it is possible to control them with Dysport.  

Dermatologist offer Botox for Hyperhidrosis near New Orleans

Sweating is a normal response from the body to cool itself down. While it is normally controlled and regulated by the body, there are individuals who find that they sweats excessively. This form of excess sweating is a medical condition that is known as Hyperhidrosis. It affects millions of people in the United States. This condition is of several types and can be an indicator of other sinister conditions as well. A solution for this condition is available from Botox injections from many New Orleans dermatologists.

What are the types of Hyperhidrosis?

Primary focal hyperhidrosis is a common form of this condition. This is mainly localized sweating, which affects around three percent of the total population in the United States. It is mainly a annoyance and does not present a threat to health. This condition normally occurs during childhood and is hereditary. Certain areas of the body, such as the face, head, hand, underarms, groin, and feet, tend to produce excessive sweat as a result of a minor malfunction in the nervous system.

Aside from this, secondary general hyperhidrosis occurs all around the body, mainly at night. This form of hyperhidrosis is more serious as it is caused by an underlying issue with a person’s health. Some of triggers for this form of hyperhidrosis include thyroid disorders, diabetes, menopause, leukemia, pregnancy, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, heart disease, and alcoholism, among others. 

How can Botox help?

Botox is a neuro-modulator; making it an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis, which is caused by malfunction of the nervous system. Normally, treatment will start with topical and oral methods. However, these methods do not tend to provide a desirable solution, which necessitates additional treatment. With Botox, patients can expect to have severity of their hyperhidrosis to be reduced rather significantly for up to six months.

Monday, November 13, 2017

What is liposuction and is it safe? Answers for the residents in Bay Area

Extra fat on the body – we’ve all been there at some point. For some of us it is a lifelong struggle but it doesn’t have to be. Surgeries like liposuction are now more advanced and safer than they used to be a decade back. There is very little risk involved if you go to the right surgeon in Bay Area and the results are amazing too. So if you cannot seem to get rid of your pot belly or love handles, why not seek the help of a professional?

What is liposuction?  

This is a cosmetic surgical method that treats excess fat in various locations of the body. It should also be mentioned that liposuction is by no means an alternative to good eating habits and exercise. It is also a one-off medical procedure and not something regularly repeated.  No medical professional will recommend liposuction as anything other than a last resort to healthy living. 

Why are some fat deposits hard to get rid of?

We are all genetically different and unfortunately some people may be predisposed towards piling on the pounds. No matter how hard they try the fat is not visibly reduced and they can even suffer other health issues trying to be rid of excess fat. Women also tend to gain weight in their later years because a woman’s body has evolved to nurture. That is why many woman find it hard to lose weight after pregnancy, unless they exclusively breastfeed. 
Is liposuction safe? 

Different types of liposuction methods are currently available. Tumescent liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction are some of these methods. All these methods are very safe when performed by a qualified medical professional. Any side effects are usually mild and temporary. To know how you can benefit from liposuction and change your life around, call your Bay Area dermatologist today.

To Learn More About: Liposuction     Please Visit: The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute

What are the treatment options for melanoma in Sterling VA?

What is Melanoma?

This is a type of skin cancer that affects men and women of different ages. Early diagnosis will give the patient more treatment options and a higher chance of a good prognosis. 

Who will be treating you?

A dermatologist is the first point of treatment. He may refer you to another medical specialist when needed. A surgical oncologist is a doctor who performs surgery to remove cancer. A medical oncologist is a doctor who uses methods such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy to treat the cancer. A radiation oncologist as his name suggests uses radiation for the same purpose. 

What are the different treatments?

Treatment depends on the stage of cancer and a few other factors. It may include one or more of these methods:

Surgery – Early stage cancer can be treated only with surgery but if one is in a more advanced stage other interventions may be needed. Sometimes a combination of methods work well and this will be determined by your doctor in Sterling VA. Wide excision is removing cancerous cells and some healthy cells outlining the cancer so as to achieve a cure. This will leave a scar. Mohs surgery is more target specific and uses a microscope to avoid removing healthy skin cells. 

Immunotherapy – This uses drugs to stimulate the patient’s immune system to fight the cancer. 

chemotherapy – This is used for advanced melanoma and uses chemicals to attack cancer cells at their initial location and also wherever else they may have spread.

Radiation therapy- High energy rays such as x-rays or particles are used to kill cancer cells. This therapy is useful if cancers treated with surgery return. The process is painless and lasts a few minutes but several sessions will be needed for results. 

Talk to your dermatologist to find out which method can help you or your loved one.

To Learn More About: Skin Cancer     Please Visit: Dermatology Associates of Northern Virginia, Inc.

How can I remove brown spots on face in Portland OR?

Some believe that freckles are attractive or cute on a face and others keep their moles because they think it makes them look unique and alluring. What about brown spots on the face that are caused by excessive sun exposure? These cannot be called attractive at all.  The sooner you remove them the better and yet they are stubborn. Face masks do not do the trick.  It is time for you to go to the dermatologist in Portland OR for a treatment that actually works. 

How can brown spots be removed with lasers?

Several methods exist for this purpose:

Revlite® - This is a laser that gives high speed energy waves that go through the skin and activate collagen production. This speeds up the skin rejuvenation process and lightens the brown spots.  Due to the high speed there is very little heat generation and therefore minimal pain for the patient. 

PhotoGenesis (IPL) – This broadband light therapy removed brown spots that are closer to the surface of the skin. It takes 1 or 2 treatments to see results but full correction can take about 4-5 treatments.

SmartXide DOT®CO2 lasers – These are also useful in eliminating brown spots conveniently and painlessly.

What are the other methods for brown spot removal?

Chemical peels are much more effective than at-home peels. These are available in various concentrations to suit different types of conditions.  The Illuminize Peel is great for first timers who want a gentle treatment. The Vitalize Peel  is the most sought after peel and is of medium strength. It can correct irregular pigmentation, sun damage and melisma.

The Rejuvenize Peel goes even further as it penetrates deep into the skin. It can even remove acne scars. Recovery time is needed after the use of this peel. 

The choice of peel will depend on skin type and the intensity of the skin problem. 

To Learn More About: Brown Spot Removal      Please Visit: Thrive Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Center

Sunday, November 5, 2017

what you need to know before Kybella treatment in McKinney TX

Have you ever looked at your photographs and wondered how you ended up with a double chin? It is a question many of us, both men and women,  ask ourselves as we edge closer to middle-age. Gone are the sharp features that made us feel beautiful and confident.  But don’t start losing hope – now there is a very effective method to permanently lose that double chin. It is called Kybella in medical circles. 

What is the Kybella procedure like?

Firstly, you will be interested to know that this is not just another surgery to make you look good. Kybella is non-invasive and therefore safe. It is a treatment that removes submental fullness in the chin area that makes your face look frumpy.  Deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance, is injected to the affected area in a single session.  This will gradually destroy fat cells resulting in a defined jaw line and more sharpness at the chin. 

What do you need to know before treatment?

Many people think that liposuction is the best way to reduce this extra fat at the chin but this is not always the case. Kybella is safer and there is no downtime required compared to going under the knife. Extensive clinical trials have proved that this method only leads to minor side effects if any, similar to that caused by other injectables.  Bruising, mild stinging or sensitivity at injection sites is usually seen but only temporary. They will get resolved in a matter of weeks of even days. As the injected substance works progressively, you may notice results only after several weeks. Some people in McKinney TX require more than one treatment session and there is usually a gap of 6 weeks between sessions. If you are interested in this procedure visit your dermatologist and find out what specific treatment plan will work best for you. 

To Learn More About: Kybella Treatment     Please Visit: Dermatology Center Plano

Effective treatment for Skin Tightening in Mountain View CA

One of the newest non-invasive treatments that has been introduced to the field of cosmetic dermatology is Ultherapy. This skin tightening treatment in Mountain View CA makes use of ultrasound energy, which stimulates the body’s natural healing response. As a result, skin in the area being treated will be tightened, toned, and lifted to restore its youthful characteristics. Ultherapy has received FDA approval and is used quite often when address skin at the brow, around the neck, and under the chin. 

How does Ultherapy work?

The Ultherapy treatment is a non-invasive option that makes use of ultrasound energy to naturally improve a person’s skin. The ultrasound waves bypass the surface of the skin and penetrates through to the foundation layers to stimulate the production of collagen. This substance is naturally produced in the body, but declines with age. It is composed of protein fibers that give a proper structure and firmness to skin. Due to the method that Ultherapy works, it is ideal for addressing loose skin on areas such as the forehead, on the neck, and under the chin, as well as wrinkles. 

What are the benefits of this treatment?

One of the most notable benefits of Ultherapy is that it is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment. It does not require incisions to be made, and involves minimal contact with the patient’s skin. In addition to this, the procedure does not take a long time to complete. In fact, the whole process will take around one hour. Another benefit of Ultherapy is that no anesthetic is needed. Since this treatment is non-surgical, no incisions are involved and therefore the need for an anesthetic does not exist. Aside from this, Ultherapy involves no downtime. Patients do not have to take time off work or be restricted in their activities. 

To Learn More About: Skin Tightening      Please Visit: The Menkes Clinic & Surgery Center

How cosmetic surgery in Mountain View CA can help change your life

When considering aesthetic concerns about aspects of a person’s face and their skin, non-invasive treatments cannot yield the desired results in every case. There are occasions where cosmetic surgery will help achieve the best result for Mountain View CA residents. 

What are the cosmetic surgery procedures available?

Eye Rejuvenation - with age, muscles around the body will lose their strength. In eyelids, this can result in excess fat collecting in the skin under the eyelids as well as above. With eyelid surgery, drooping eyelids or bagginess can be corrected and a more refreshed and aware appearance can be restored. 

Face and Neck Lift - when carrying out a face lift, the plastic surgeon will restore skin and the underlying facial muscles to their optimal position. This will get rid of sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and take years off a person’s face. Similarly, with a neck lift, the areas of skin and muscle under the chin and neck are restored. Normally, both these procedures are done together for the best result. 

Laser Resurfacing - with laser resurfacing, the light energy penetrates the surface of the skin and gets rid of damaged skin cells. While this happens, the laser energy also stimulates collagen production and the body’s natural healing process. This process replaces the damaged cells with a fresh, beautiful, health layer of skin.

SmartLipo - the liposuction technique involves the removal of excess fat from beneath the skin. This is done with the use of hollow tubes known as cannulas. With this method, the patient’s body can be sculpted to help achieve their ideal figure. The liposuction procedure has constantly seen improvements over the last four decades in terms of safety and technique used. Nowadays, a more advanced variant, SmartLipo, is available from many specialists. This method involves the use of a laser, which allows the procedure to be made less invasive, and shortens the period of recovery. 

To Learn More About: Cosmetic Surgery      Please Visit: The Menkes Clinic & Surgery Center