Monday, November 13, 2017

How can I remove brown spots on face in Portland OR?

Some believe that freckles are attractive or cute on a face and others keep their moles because they think it makes them look unique and alluring. What about brown spots on the face that are caused by excessive sun exposure? These cannot be called attractive at all.  The sooner you remove them the better and yet they are stubborn. Face masks do not do the trick.  It is time for you to go to the dermatologist in Portland OR for a treatment that actually works. 

How can brown spots be removed with lasers?

Several methods exist for this purpose:

Revlite® - This is a laser that gives high speed energy waves that go through the skin and activate collagen production. This speeds up the skin rejuvenation process and lightens the brown spots.  Due to the high speed there is very little heat generation and therefore minimal pain for the patient. 

PhotoGenesis (IPL) – This broadband light therapy removed brown spots that are closer to the surface of the skin. It takes 1 or 2 treatments to see results but full correction can take about 4-5 treatments.

SmartXide DOT®CO2 lasers – These are also useful in eliminating brown spots conveniently and painlessly.

What are the other methods for brown spot removal?

Chemical peels are much more effective than at-home peels. These are available in various concentrations to suit different types of conditions.  The Illuminize Peel is great for first timers who want a gentle treatment. The Vitalize Peel  is the most sought after peel and is of medium strength. It can correct irregular pigmentation, sun damage and melisma.

The Rejuvenize Peel goes even further as it penetrates deep into the skin. It can even remove acne scars. Recovery time is needed after the use of this peel. 

The choice of peel will depend on skin type and the intensity of the skin problem. 

To Learn More About: Brown Spot Removal      Please Visit: Thrive Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Center

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