Thursday, November 16, 2017

Acne treatment from dermatology clinic near Fort Myers FL

Acne is condition that affects many people. It can be draining on an individual, both physically and emotionally. This inflammatory condition normally develops when the pores on the skin become blocked. Dead skin cells tend to accumulate in these pores, which block them. In addition to this, there are sebaceous glands on the skin that produce oil which helps with keeping skin and hair adequately lubricated and waterproof. When this oil and dead skin cells combine with cosmetic products and environmental debris, bacteria thrives in the pores. Afterwards, pores can become swollen and filled with infection. Many an acne treatment clinic offers treatments for individuals near Fort Myers FL looking to address this condition. 

What are the treatment options available for acne?

When treating a patient for acne, it is not possible to use one standardized treatment to achieve the same result. Since skin type, severity of the condition, and skin reaction differs from one patient to another, it is important to create a custom treatment plan. Before starting treatment for a patient, dermatologists thoroughly assess the skin and create a suitable course of treatment to suit the individual. Normally, however, the any treatment aims to control active signs of acne. When the current symptoms are controlled, maintenance of the healthy skin follows. 

For this purpose there are several treatment options that dermatologists use. The first method is the use of prescription medication. Such medication is used to address acne through internal or topical application. With internal medication, the infection and swelling of the pores can be controlled, whereas the topical medications provide effective results on the surface. 

In addition to this, chemical peels are used to address acne. With a peel, the upper layer of dead and damaged skin cells is removed. This helps by improving the texture and tone with the growth of a fresh layer of skin. In the case that aggressive treatment is required, dermatologists will employ laser therapies which can penetrate deep into skin to achieve the desired results.

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