Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Body Contouring Near Me Portland - Does Body Contouring Really Work?

There are many occasions where individuals who are looking to lose excess weight run into stubborn pockets of fat that do not seem to budge. This problem plagues even individuals who follow a routine of regular exercise and a healthy diet. To help such individuals address stubborn fat pockets and restore their dream figure, many specialists offer Vanquish. However, many people still ask the question, ‘Does a Vanquish body contouring treatment near me in Portland really work?
Vanquish body contouring treatment 
How does it work?

The Vanquish system makes use of a device that emits radio-frequency energy over a large area. When administering the treatment, the doctor uses a specially made panel which is to be held over the treatment area. This device allows the RF energy to safely be delivered to target fat cells. During the treatment, the patient will not feel any discomfort of pain, except for a slight warming sensation. Once the RF energy has been delivered deep into the tissue, it results in a process known as apoptosis. This process is the death of fat cells naturally. It does not cause any harm to skin, muscles, or internal organs.   
Vanquish body contouring treatment 
How is Vanquish different from surgical methods?

In many cases, individuals who want to achieve the desired figure opt for Vanquish as an alternate to surgical methods. Although this method is non-invasive, it is important for patients to know that the results obtained from these methods develop with time, and are immediately visible. Normally after around six weeks, many patients will notice a change in their body shape. At this point, the patient may have undergone around six treatment sessions. While the results may take additional time to become visible, the contours achieved with a non-surgical treatment will last just as long as those achieved with a surgical method.  

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