Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Most common types of Skin Rashes Treatment

Bumpy, red, inflamed skin can be painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing all together. Skin rashes are caused by various reasons and they can last for short or long periods. Many people are tempted to use over the counter medication to treat rashes however your rash may be an underlying cause for a more severe health problem. It is best to get a dermatological opinion on your skin rash rather than using home remedies. Keep reading to find out the most common types of skin rashes and treatment options in Algonquin IL.

What are the common causes of skin rashes?

Skin rashes can occur due to the irritation caused by toiletries, creams, fabric detergent or softeners. The allergy can also be caused by food consumed or medicines. Rashes that are caused by allergies usually have redness, feel itchy, and have bumps and swellings.

When bacteria enter open wounds it may result in rashes. The symptoms of scarlet fever and Lyme disease are perfect examples of rashes caused by bacteria.

Lupus, dermatomyositis and similar autoimmune diseases can cause skin rashes. In this case, it is difficult to determine what triggered the rash then the treatment is adjusted according to symptoms.

Viral diseases such as measles, chickenpox and roseola cause rashes. These are often seen in children however it is not uncommon for adults to get them as well. These rashes go away once the virus subsides but it's important to get medical intervention. 

How are skin rashes treated?

Skin rashes are treated in various ways since it all depends on what caused the rash. An experienced medical professional can identify the type of rash by looking at it however you may be advised to get it checked if the symptoms recur or do not subside. Doctors may prescribe oral medication or creams to apply. Cold compression and calamine lotion are used to ease the itchiness.  Light therapy is also another option that dermatologists use. For those who have allergies dermatologists may recommend dietary and lifestyle changes.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing crucial information with us. This is really eye opening article about Skin Allergy Doctor Virginia. Once again Thank You for sharing this article.
