Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Enjoy fat reduction in Sterling and Northern, VA with Coolsculpting

Men and women who have been struggling with weight loss and improving their body contours may become frustrated with not seeing results for their hard work. Even when eating right and exercising, there are some parts of the body where fat loss does not come easy, including the abdominal area. Patients in Sterling, VA who are interested in targeted fat reduction are encouraged to ask about Coolsculpting at Dermatology Associates of Northern Virginia, Inc.

Coolsculpting defined

Coolsculpting is a procedure that is done for reducing fat cells in a specific area of the body. Dr. Neeraja Mattay and her team of professionals work closely with patients to help them determine if the treatment is right for them. Instead of traditional liposuction, Coolsculpting works differently. It essentially freezes the fat cells and allows the body to naturally flush them from the body. This is achieved through cryolipolysis. This method does not require invasive surgery in the same way as more conventional methods may.

What are the benefits of Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is a procedure that has several advantages when compared to traditional fat removal methods. Coolsculpting:

Does not require extensive time to complete
Is done without sedation or anesthetics
Is an affordable alternative to traditional cosmetic surgeries
Achieves results without patients going “under the knife”
Requires no downtime or healing 
Provides natural, gradual results over the course of several weeks/months
Is FDA-cleared for fat reduction

Ready to discuss fat reduction with Coolsculpting?

Dr. Neeraja Mattay and her team at Dermatology Associates of Northern Virginia, Inc. are dedicated to offering quality services for patients in and around the area of Sterling, VA. Patients interested in learning more about Coolsculpting and other non-invasive cosmetic procedures are welcome to call the practice today at (866) 808-3320 and visit the office at 21495. Our team is proud to provide an additional office location in Chantilly, Virginia. Call to speak to us about your dermatological concerns!

To Learn More About: Coolsculpting     Please Visit: Dermatology Associates of Northern Virginia

Dermatology specialists in Huntington NY area offer a wide selection of anti-aging services

After the age of 30, the signs of aging may begin to take a toll on one’s facial appearance. Fine lines and wrinkles, skin laxity, and other concerns may begin to cause patients to look older than they really feel. Visiting dermatology specialists in the Huntington, NY area to learn about effective treatment options is the best way to take charge of these issues and start turning back the hands of time!

Dr. Roger Koreen and the team of Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Center is here to provide patients with solutions for aging skin. Some of the options include:

Laser treatments – laser technology is used in many areas of medicine, including dermatology. Our professionals offer laser treatments that penetrate deep into the skin and address fine lines and wrinkles quickly and easily. Treatments are completely safe and are administered by our experienced team of professionals. 

Dermal fillers – dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid injectables such as Juvederm that are used to add volume directly where it’s needed. This allows a dermatologist to smooth areas where wrinkles and folds are present and provide a more youthful appearance immediately in the dermatology office. Juvederm and other dermal fillers last several months before reinjection is required for maintain the results.

Neuromodulators – neuromodulators are medications that are administered into the muscles of the face to reduce contractions and therefore smooth the skin above. The most common and most recommended neuromodulator is that of Botox, which may patients request by name. This injectable can provide results within just a few days that last months!

If you live in the area of Huntington, NY and are worried about your aging skin, the team of Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Center can assist with anti-aging solutions. Dr. Roger Koreen and his staff welcome new and existing patients into their practice at 28 Elm Street, and can be reached for an appointment at (631) 417-3300.

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Sunday, October 29, 2017

What Types of Treatment are available in OH for Removing Moles on the Body?

What is a mole?

Moles are a common skin condition that is typically benign. Moles can appear anywhere on the body and may show up in clusters or alone. Many moles appear during childhood, but can continue to appear at any ages. Most moles are black or brown in color due to pigmented cells and can be flat or elevated. Irregular moles or ones that change size, shape, or color may indicate a cancer.  Any mole that develops should be looked at by a dermatologist. Moles may be removed if they are a cosmetic concern, become irritated, or are diagnosed as cancer.

removing moles on the body

What are the symptoms of moles?

Moles can take on various shapes and sizes, and range in colors from tan, pink, red, blue, or black while most are commonly brown. The most common places for moles are the midsection of the body and the back. Moles that change in size, shape, or color are considered dysplastic and could turn into cancer. 

When should I seek treatment for moles?

Most moles do not require any form of treatment. If the mole becomes irritated or uncomfortable, presents a cosmetic concern, or is determined to be suspicious or cancer, we may recommend removal. 

What types of treatment are available for moles?

There are several types of mole removal treatment, the most common being surgical excision and surgical shaving. During a surgical excision, the area is numbed and then a scalpel is used to cut out the entire mole and some surrounding skin. Afterward, the wound is closed with sutures. If the mole is at the surface of the skin, a surgical shaving can be done to remove the mole without the need for stitches.  

If you have moles, it’s important to schedule your yearly skin check. At Allied Dermatology in OH, we specialize in diagnosing and treating all types of moles.  

What Dermatologist Walnut Creek CA can do for Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that is not only a problem for teenagers but also for adults. In fact, there are many adults who are in their 30s and 40s who are dealing with acne. Under the care of a dermatologist near Walnut Creek CA, patients who are affected by acne can receive an accurate diagnosis of their situation and receive the needed treatment.

What works for acne?

Most patients who are dealing with acne start off with over-the-counter products to control or reduce the severity of this condition. However, many of these products provide little to no relief when dealing with acne. For individuals who have tried and exhausted these products can find an effective solution from a dermatologist. Under the care of an experienced dermatologist, one can start a treatment plan that will control and reduce their acne effectively.

What treatments are available to address acne?

Chemical Peels – this treatment is effective for removing dead skin and other problems areas. It involves a certain mixture of ingredients being applied to the patient’s face. This mixture removes any impurities and clears the face. Following this, the mixture will be cleaned to reveal healthy skin from beneath. After undergoing a chemical peel, it is important to protect the new skin as it is sensitive and fragile.

Laser Therapies – with the introduction of laser into dermatology, new avenues of treatment have been opened up to dermatologists. A lot of the laser treatments are highly effective at addressing acne and improving the texture and tone of skin. Some of the treatments available include pulsed light therapy, photodynamic therapy, and blue light therapy.

Microdermabrasion – a microdermabrasion treatment is carried out to address a range of skin conditions, including uneven skin color, tone, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, as well as acne. It essentially polishes the outer layer of skin to promote the growth of fresh skin beneath.

To Learn More About: Acne Treatments    Please Visit: The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute

Thursday, October 26, 2017

How your dermatologist in Chicago treats skin cancer

Skin cancer has a good recovery rate in the country and yet we should take all possible precautions to avoid it. How well you recover is based on how early you are diagnosed and no matter what, any cancer can suck the life out of you if left alone. Several techniques are used to remove skin cancer, such as laser methods but in this article we talk about Mohs micrographic surgery.

What is Mohs surgery?

Your dermatologist in Chicago will peel away the skin cells that are affected by the cancer using special lens and surgical tools. This is done in a step by step manner and the removed cell layers are checked microscopically to make sure that all cancerous skin is removed while the healthy skin stays intact. Therefore this surgery is target oriented and does not harm neighboring skin.

How effective is this procedure?

Thousands of lives have been saved due to this procedure and early intervention. If a patient is diagnosed late and the cancer has spread, a surgical oncologist will be recommended by your dermatologist to conduct further tests. There is a risk that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes and if so extra care is needed immediately.

How is the recovery period like?

This varies based on factors such as the spread of the cancer and the general health of the patient. However recovery time is usually minimal and the procedure is done on outpatient basis. Aftercare is also not complicated. The patient needs to keep the treated area dry and clean, and change the bandage regularly. Your doctor will want to see your condition every four to six months after the surgery because cancers usually recur. If you have had skin cancer, the chances of you having another form of cancer is rather high and therefore it is vital to follow up with your appointments.

To Learn More About: Skin Cancer Surgery     Please Visit: Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser Surgery

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Dermatologist for Surgical Treatments in My Area Arlington

Dermatologist Arlington VA

Who is a dermatologist?

A dermatologist in Arlington diagnoses and treats issues related to the skin, hair and nails. This includes a wide range of treatments including surgery. Such procedures require skill, training and experience.  I also look for qualities like good communication and a gentle approach when choosing a surgical dermatologist in my area.

What are the surgical dermatology treatments?

Skin cancer surgery – Two of the most common skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma and each is treated differently. The location, type and size of skin cancer determine the best method of treatment. Local anesthesia is provided to the numb the skin where an incision needs to be made. 

Mohs Surgery – This is currently the best treatment for skin cancer. It gives patients a chance at getting their life back and to avoid complications. Using  a powerful microscope cancerous skin cells are removed gently, layer by layer, in a way that does not harm the non-cancerous tissue. Therefore this is a very precise technique that helps to remove every bit of cancerous tissue. That is why it has a high success rate.

Mole removal – Most moles do not pose a threat to health but they can affect the appearance of a person of become an inconvenience on a daily basis. For instance a mole can become irritated by regularly getting rubbed by a clothing item or it may make shaving difficult. Therefore moles are not removed only for medical purposes. 

Earlobe repair – Ear piercing can sometimes lead to a stretched earlobe if one is in the habit of wearing heavy earrings. Some people may have an improperly developed earlobe and want it corrected for cosmetic reasons. 

Reconstructive surgery – When a person goes through skin cancer treatments reconstructive surgery may be needed to make the skin look natural. Removing or reducing scars is another reconstructive surgery. 

To Learn More About Surgical Treatments Please Visit Washington Dermatology Consultants

Wrinkle Remover at Seriously Skin Chagrin Falls OH

Age gets the better of all of us, no matter which social status, wealth level or health condition we are currently at. It is a gradual process that we hardly notice it. Wrinkles and lines don’t happen overnight and it can take the same long time to remove them. 

Wrinkle remover Chagrin Falls OH

How do wrinkles occur?

When the skin ages, its structural proteins are produced less and less. These proteins include collagen, which helps to maintain skin tone, and elasticity, which gives flexibility to the skin. When these proteins diminish in numbers the skin becomes saggy and more prone to wrinkling. Lines and wrinkles are easily caused by underlying muscles that contract and relax hundreds of times on a daily basis. For instance, squinting leads to crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes while frowning creates frown lines at the corners of the mouth. These lines on the skin make a person look older than they really are.

What is the best wrinkle remover?

There are several methods to remove wrinkles and they include effective non surgical methods. Injectables are widely considered the best method to achieve such results. 

Botox – a household name by now, this is safely used At Seriously Skin, Chagrin Falls OH, for several types of wrinkles. Dysport and Xeomin are also different brand names that use the same botulinum toxin A. They work by causing temporary muscle paralysis and reducing the activity of the overlying skin. 

Dermal fillers – these add volume to the face making the skin sag less and seem smoother. Glabellar lines, smile lines and marionette lines can be corrected this way. Fillers like Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane are in high demand as wrinkle removers. 

Collagen stimulators – People who want to maintain their youthful looks over the long term may be interested in more gradual development of the skin. Radiesse and Sculptra are examples of collagen stimulators. They improve skin tone. 

To Learn More About Wrinkle Remover Please Visit Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine

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Is Botox safe? Treatment in Fort Washington PA

What is Botox?

A bacterium named Clostridium botulinum is responsible for causing the disease botulism through the toxins it secretes in the human body. The same toxin however can be advantageous when used in the right concentration. It is the same substance that is present in Botox. This discovery will make many people question the safety of Botox but it is in fact approved by the Food and Drug Administration and perfectly safe when used correctly by a medical professional in Fort Washington PA. Botox is injected into skin to remove lines and wrinkles.

How does it work?

Botox has the capacity to temporarily paralyze superficial muscles in the body, those that lie right underneath the skin tissue. These muscles work involuntarily based on the impulses they receive from the brain. For instance when one is happy the muscles pull together to create wide eyes and a wide smile. Throughout the day the muscles contract and relax repeatedly and this creates lines and wrinkles of the skin above it. By paralyzing these muscles, we are preventing the skin from creasing and this means smooth unlined skin. 

Is Botox safe?

Thousands of Botox treatments are carried out every day all over the country, without any issue. You may have heard of sensitive skin and redness after the procedure but these are temporary side-effects and by no means risky. Since Botox has been around for many years now, it can be said that the treatment is perfectly safe for Glabellar lines on the forehead -for which it is recommended by the ADA- and other types of wrinkles on the face, hands and neck. Botox is also administered with a local anesthetic which makes it pain-free. What you need to do is always go to a qualified medical professional and not a spa technician when you need Botox injections. 

To Learn More About: Botox Treatment     Please Visit: Dermatology & Skin Cancer Institute

Alter the shape of your body with laser body contouring in CA

Most people have an idea in their heads of what their ideal body should look like. Though a dedicated person can improve their overall health and fitness level with diet and exercise, a healthier lifestyle does not always lead to that ideal body image. In fact, most people find that there will always be areas of their body that do not match their ideal body shape no matter what they do. This is when a dermatologist in San Diego CA can help by providing treatments such as body contouring.

Q: When is body contouring a good option for losing fat?

Body contouring treatments can be an excellent option for patients in good physical condition who have realistic expectations. This type of treatment is not meant to achieve significant weight loss, nor is it meant to be a miracle treatment to lose fat without achieving a healthy lifestyle and maintaining physical fitness. However, for those patients who work hard to stay fit but who simply cannot shake pockets of fat in the abdomen, love handles, or thighs, this treat-ment is often the perfect solution.

Q: How does a laser contouring treatment work?

Laser body contouring works just like any other laser treatment works. By applying the laser to the treatment area, targeted fat cells will be heated by the laser until they have been damaged significantly. Your body will then naturally remove the damaged fat cells, leaving the area free of unwanted fat. A special cooling mechanism will work concurrently with the laser treatment to ensure your skin is kept cool and is not damaged in any way.

Q: What results can I realistically expect from contouring?

Body contouring cannot accomplish drastic changes in weight loss. What you can realistically expect is a more sculpted appearance that fits your mental body image if you maintain optimal physical fitness. Body contouring can help flatten out hard-to-tone areas such as the love han-dles, the stomach, and the thighs.

To Learn More About: Body Contouring      Please Visit: Coastal Skin & Eye Institute

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How to find a dermatologist in Jacksonville, FL

Who is a dermatologist?

A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in treating conditions relating to a person’s skin. Usually, there are two types of skin doctors available, general dermatology and cosmetic dermatology. 

General dermatology aims to treat different skin related ailments such as skin rashes, eczema, acne, and skin cancer. They can also treat any conditions in the nails and hair.

Cosmetic dermatology provides treatment options, usually which are non-invasive. They help to restore the skin (usually after a condition) and help the patient look better. Anti-aging treatments, laser treatment are some examples.

How do you find a good dermatologist?

Friends and family are a good source of information. Once you have found some leads, use the following to evaluate them and choose the one you think is the best.

Qualifications  - It is important the dermatologist is on par with the latest trends in the world of dermatology. This will en-sure you are receiving the latest treatment for a problem. It is also important to check for board certifications from associ-ations such as the American Academy of Dermatology. For instance, cosmetic treatments such as Botox should be carried out with care, to prevent possible complications. You can find this information on the practice’s website.

The Service - Ideally, the skin doctor will offer both general and cosmetic dermatology services. This can be useful when you need it. For example, if you are suffering from acne, the doctor can prescribe a treatment regimen to control the acne. Once the acne is under control, several cosmetic treatments can be used to restore the skin to its former glory. Most der-matologists in Jacksonville, FL specialize in both general and cosmetic dermatology.

Communication - Before committing yourself to a single doctor, you should find out how the doctor is by initiating a con-sultation visit. In this visit, you can observe: 

  • If you are comfortable in speaking to the doctor
  • Find out he or she provide you the required information to help you make choices and decisions. 
  • Is the staff at the practice welcoming?

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Medical treatment for skin cancer in Crown Point

Skin cancer is a dangerous condition that affects many people in the United States. In fact, it is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in U.S. One of main causes of skin cancer is excess exposure to UV rays from the sun. Other contributing factors include indoor tanning, and pre-existing skin conditions. While skin cancer is the most frequently diagnosed form of cancer, there is an effective medical treatment available in Crown Point to address it.  

What is Mohs Surgery?

Mohs surgery is a skin cancer removal technique that has proven itself to be the most effective option in modern medicine. Since it was introduced in 1930, Mohs surgery has become the go-to choice for dealing with skin cancer. However, not many dermatologists are trained to perform this surgery as the technique is quite complicated. 

How does Mohs Surgery work?

When carrying out a Mohs surgery, the procedure will be carried out at the dermatologist’s office. Prior to the procedure, a local anesthetic will be administered to minimize discomfort and ensure patient comfort. Following this, the dermatologist will remove a layer of skin tissue that holds the tumor. The layer of skin being removed is very thin, and will be examined for cancer cells immediately. Once the excised skin can been examined, the result will be used as a map. If cancer cells are found, another layer of skin will be removed. This layer of skin will also be scanned for the presence of cancer cells. Based on the results, another layer of skin will be removed and scanned. This process will repeat until the scan shows no cancer cells.

How effective is Mohs Surgery?

Carrying out Mohs Surgery for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma cases have resulted in a success rate of 98%. This is significantly higher when compared to other methods available to treat skin cancer. 

To Learn More About: Skin Cancer Treatment    Please Visit: Dermatology Center of Northwest Indiana PC

Dermatologist in Washington DC explains the laser hair removal process

Conventional methods of removing unwanted hair such as shaving, tweezing, and waxing are known to provide satisfactory results. However, these are not permanent and can be time-consuming and painful at times. For anyone looking for a much long term option, they should seek laser hair removal treatment.  

How does it work?

The light emitted from the lasers is absorbed by the skin and transformed into heat which then destroys hair follicles. However, most Washington DC dermatologists will advise their patients that the treatment must be carried out on the hair follicles that are active in the growth cycle. This means that one single treatment is not sufficient for the procedure. It needs to be carried out over the course of several weeks, preferably with several weeks’ gaps in order to obtain more permanent results. Usually, this will be decided by the dermatologist together with the doctor, during the initial consultation. 

Who can undergo laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal treatment is usually recommended for patients who have dark hair and a fair complexion. However, due to advancements in laser technology, patients with any skin complexion and hair color can undergo laser hair removal and optimum results. Patients who opt to undergo laser hair removal are advised to avoid getting tanned and should also limit plucking and waxing, prior to the treatment. 

What can be expected during the treatment?

Right before the treatment, the hair in the area that requires treatment will be trimmed. The dermatologist will also configure the laser equipment according to the patient’s skin color, the thickness of the hair, and its location. The patient and technician will need to wear special eye protection glasses. A special cooling gel might also be applied on the treatment area, to help the patient to relax and increase penetration to the light. Once the treatment is complete, the patient may experience some minor discomfort. However, this can be easily overcome with the help of a cool compress and moisturizers. 

To Learn More About: Laser Hair Removal      Please Visit: Center for Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery

For relief from Varicose Veins, go for Treatment in Flower Mound Texas

What are main causes of varicose veins?

Varicose veins occur when the veins become dysfunctional.  Veins consist of one-way valves that prevent the blood from flowing in the backward direction. When the valves begin to fail, blood will start to collect in the veins rather than moving towards the heart. The veins will enlarge. They often affect the legs. As these veins are the furthest from the heart, gravity will make it harder for the blood to flow upward.

Potential causes that lead to varicose will include
  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy
  • Age over 50 years
  • Obesity
  • Standing for prolonged periods of time
  • Family history of varicose veins 

What are the symptoms associated with varicose veins?

Primary symptoms of varicose will include veins that are misshapen, highly visible that usually appear on your legs. You may also feel pain, heaviness, swelling, and achiness around and over the enlarged vein. Some cases may also develop discoloration and swelling and severe cases will lead to significant bleeding and ulcers.

How are varicose veins diagnosed?

Your doctor will examine your visible veins and legs while you are standing and sitting to diagnose varicose veins. You may be asked about any symptoms or pain that may have resulted due to the condition.

Your doctor may also perform an ultrasound to check your blood flow. The test is noninvasive and will use high-frequency sound waves. It will allow your doctor to determine how your blood is flowing through your veins.

A venogram may be done to further assess the condition of your vein. Your doctor may inject a special dye into the vein to take an X-ray of the affected area. The dye will appear on the X-ray giving a better view of how the blood is flowing inside the veins.

How are varicose veins treated?

Doctors will generally take the conservative approach when treating varicose veins. You will be advised to make lifestyle changes before going for more aggressive treatments. The following lifestyle changes will help in preventing varicose veins or them becoming worse.
  • Avoid standing for long periods of time
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise to improve blood circulation
  •  Use compression stockings

For an Elegant Appearance, go of Kybella Treatment in McKinney Texas

Kybella treatment can be used as an alternative to surgery or liposuction used to reduce double chin fat.

Kybella treatment Plano TX

How should I prepare for the treatment?

It is very important to consult with your doctor to make sure you are a good candidate for the treatment. The best candidate for this treatment would be an adult who is 18 years or older with moderate to severe fat beneath the chin. You should discuss your medical history, and cosmetic procedures that you have undergone on your chin, neck, and face. You should tell your doctor about any swallowing or bleeding problems.

Very little preparation is required for Kybella, as it is a non-surgical procedure. It is advisable to schedule the treatment well before major events. Washing your face properly before treatment can help in avoiding the risk of infections. Avoiding acetaminophen and ibuprofen is best to prevent post-treatment bruising.

How many rounds of treatment will be needed? What are the expected results?

It will vary according to the condition. You may need a series of 12 to 20 injections per visit and need two or three visits, which are spaced a month apart. Each treatment session can last about 15 minutes.

Some people may even get 50 injections per treatment with six single treatments that are a month apart. The result will be visible in two to four treatments. The acid will gradually work on the fat cells. To reach optimal results multiple treatments may be required.

Can this treatment help to tighten skin?

According to experts, Kybella treatment does not tighten skin but help in melting away the fat. But people may notice a tightening effect due to the treatment. Those who undergo the treatment will see less fat one their chin. You will notice some improvement in the chin fat due to the treatment.

Are there any potential side effects?

Most common side effects will include swelling, bruising, numbness, and small firm area on the injection area. These side effects will resolve over time.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Which dermatologist should I go to in Milpitas and Fremont, CA?

Dr. Sunil Dhawan and the team of the Center for Dermatology Cosmetic and Laser Surgery welcome patients in the areas of Milpitas and Fremont, CA into their practice for quality care. Our dermatologist and his team have years of combined experience in providing modern, technologically-advanced care solutions.

What can a dermatologist help with?

Many patients think of dermatologists for the treatment of acne, but there are many other medical conditions that can affect the skin that need evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. Psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema are also common conditions seen in our practice. Additionally, many patients visit us for cosmetic treatments such as aesthetic injectables, skin rejuvenation, and the treatment of leg veins.

What cosmetic and laser surgeries are available?

Determining the treatment right for you requires a consultation visit with Dr. Sunil Dhawan and his team. Treatment may include skin tag removal, skin cancer treatment, and laser therapies for treating skin disorders or imperfections.

What is the patient experience like at your practice?

Many patients love visiting our professional staff to learn about the services available. Many return again and again for routine evaluations or treatments, especially those who have invested in their skin with continued laser therapies and light treatments.

What are my options when choosing a dermatologist?

It may seem easy to open up the phone book and just choose a dermatologist with the point of your finger. However, it is important to work with a trained, experienced professional who can provide the care you need while ensuring safety and professionalism.

How can I contact Dr. Sunil Dhawan for dermatological care?

If you live in the area of Fremont, California, we encourage you to learn more about the benefits of visiting a comprehensive dermatologist who provides a wide selection of cosmetic and laser services. Dr. Sunil Dhawan can be reached in Milpitas by calling (855) 717-1756 and at his Fremont office at (855) 717-1755. If you live in the area and are interested in quality care, call the Center for Dermatology Cosmetic and Laser Surgery today!

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Discover the power of laser treatments: A Q&A with Dr. Neal

Trust the beauty and health of your skin to a board-certified dermatologist, skilled in some of the industry’s most advanced techniques such as Mohs surgery for complex tumors. The extensive expertise of your Dermatologist in Arlington VA, Dr. Kenneth Neal, combines with advanced technologies at Washington Dermatology Consultants. Dr. Neal is pleased to share some of these exciting developments in laser technology with you …

Q. What can lasers treat? 

Imagine most any condition, and there may be a laser for that. We are experienced at selecting the right laser and light-based devices to treat signs of aging like sun spots, as well as other concerns such as birth marks, scars, warts, yellow and brittle nails, and unwanted hair as an alternative to painstaking electrolysis. 

Q. Why do you use lasers so often? 

Today’s laser- and light-based technology has never been better. Medical-grade devices are designed to precisely target trouble spots, leaving healthy areas outside of the treatment site untouched. Next-generation technologies combine powerful capabilities with the safety that comes as a noninvasive and low-risk alternative to surgical procedures. Whereas some first-generation lasers may have worked best on certain types of skin, the latest technologies are suitable for many different patients without unwanted side effects such as hypopigmentation.

Q. Can lasers also remove tattoos? 

Yes! In the past, those with tattoo regret would either have to learn to live with it or take more drastic steps to remove once loved body art, such as surgical excision. Some of these old approaches resulted in scars or other unwanted side effects. Modern laser technology allows for the removal of notoriously stubborn old, previously-treated, or multicolored tattoos. The lasers are so precise that only the treated ink is damaged, and not surrounding tissue.

Some laser or light-based treatments may be used in conjunction with other therapies or products for optimal results. Call 571-431-6175 to schedule a consultation.

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How Dermatologist Plano TX treat Acne

I am constantly suffering from acne. What causes this skin condition?

A dermatologist in Plano will tell you that the sebaceous glands cause acne. The overproduction of sebum, an oily substance, by the sebaceous glands can clog the pores and hair follicles, paving way for the multiplication of bacteria. These bacteria cause inflammation, which in turn, causes the nodules and pustules that are characteristic of acne. Since there are several types of acne, it is vital that a dermatologist conducts a thorough examination before deciding on the course of treatment. 

What are the first steps of treatment?

There is no cookie-cutter solution for this skin condition. Hence, some patients may need to go through several types of services and medications before they find the correct balance of treatments. It is important for them to be patient throughout the course of this process. As a first step, the dermatologist will ask you to use suitable cleansers and moisturizers and even, appropriate makeup. In order to prevent any scarring, he or she may also recommend topical or oral medicines. These will help prevent the sebum from clogging the pores, thereby reducing future breakouts. After the acne has been brought under control, the dermatologist in Plano will recommend other complimentary treatments, such as laser therapies, chemical peels and even microdermabrasion. 

In addition to topical creams, chemical peels and appropriate skin care regimen, what are the other treatment options available to me?

Light therapies are a popular treatment option. In this course of treatment, the affected skin is exposed to certain lights which will facilitate the rejuvenation of the skin while targeting bacteria that contributes to the acne problem. In more advanced cases, the dermatologist may suggest chemical peels which comprise the removal of the upper layer of skin using chemical peels. In turn, this will stimulate the body’s natural healing process, thereby promoting the production of collagen. Chemical peels can also help reduce the amount of bacteria and oils on the skin’s surface. In addition, laser therapies can also be used wherein laser light targets skin bacteria, and thereby helps in the restoration of the health and beauty of the skin.

To Learn More About: Acne Treatment     Please Visit: DSA Dermatology

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Is Liposuction a safe procedure in Glendora CA?

According to the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, liposuction is among the most popular cosmetic surgeries that is carried out in the United States nowadays. This procedure was developed during the 1980’s, and is considered as a major step in medical technology. Many a dermatologist in Glendora CA offers their patients this procedure to help achieve their desired body shape. 

What is Liposuction?

A liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that is used to remove excess fat from the body. This method is safe and effective at removing superficial layers of fat as well as the deep layers. As time passed, the original liposuction procedure was improved upon in terms of healing, comfort, and end result. With the newer methods, patients can achieve better results, with much less discomfort, and a faster recovery period. Before undergoing this procedure, it is important that patients keep in mind that a liposuction should not be thought of as a weight loss option. This procedure helps remove excess, stubborn pockets of fat and contour the body. Ideal candidates are those who are on a proper diet and a schedule of regular exercise. 

Is the procedure safe?

Prior to the procedure, it is important that patients let the dermatologist know of their whole medical history along with their family’s medical history. Any medication that is being used should also be mentioned. Based on this information, the dermatologist will decide whether the liposuction is safe to be carried out, or alter the treatment to fit the patient’s situation safely. Aside from this, the experience of the dermatologist can play a role in the safety of this procedure. A doctor who has extensive experience and training will be able to handle the procedure efficiently and in a manner that will ensure the desired result is achieved safely. Moreover, the patient also plays a role in how safe a liposuction is. Following the procedure, it is important that the directions given by the doctor are carefully followed to ensure proper healing, and the avoidance of side-effects.  

To Learn More About: Liposuction Procedure      Please Visit: Foothill Cosmetic Surgery Center