Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Is Botox safe? Treatment in Fort Washington PA

What is Botox?

A bacterium named Clostridium botulinum is responsible for causing the disease botulism through the toxins it secretes in the human body. The same toxin however can be advantageous when used in the right concentration. It is the same substance that is present in Botox. This discovery will make many people question the safety of Botox but it is in fact approved by the Food and Drug Administration and perfectly safe when used correctly by a medical professional in Fort Washington PA. Botox is injected into skin to remove lines and wrinkles.

How does it work?

Botox has the capacity to temporarily paralyze superficial muscles in the body, those that lie right underneath the skin tissue. These muscles work involuntarily based on the impulses they receive from the brain. For instance when one is happy the muscles pull together to create wide eyes and a wide smile. Throughout the day the muscles contract and relax repeatedly and this creates lines and wrinkles of the skin above it. By paralyzing these muscles, we are preventing the skin from creasing and this means smooth unlined skin. 

Is Botox safe?

Thousands of Botox treatments are carried out every day all over the country, without any issue. You may have heard of sensitive skin and redness after the procedure but these are temporary side-effects and by no means risky. Since Botox has been around for many years now, it can be said that the treatment is perfectly safe for Glabellar lines on the forehead -for which it is recommended by the ADA- and other types of wrinkles on the face, hands and neck. Botox is also administered with a local anesthetic which makes it pain-free. What you need to do is always go to a qualified medical professional and not a spa technician when you need Botox injections. 

To Learn More About: Botox Treatment     Please Visit: Dermatology & Skin Cancer Institute

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