Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How do I get glowing skin? DANV shares the keys to unlocking your natural radiance

Skin that “glows” immediately conveys health and well-being. At Dermatology Associates of Northern Virginia, our specialists want you to look as healthy and well as you feel. We don’t want your appearance to give the wrong impression. Find out how your inner vibrancy shines through with professional skin care in Centreville VA …

Q. What makes skin look “glowy” on its own, without makeup?

Think of the smooth, unblemished and healthy face of a baby or little kid. Children haven’t been exposed to environmental damage, such as prolonged or cumulative exposure to the sun’s UV rays. These kids haven’t lived long enough to experience “intrinsic” or internal effects of aging. The breakdown of collagen, elastin, and moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid can result in a sallow or lackluster complexion, and a rough and leathery texture.

Q. How can I get my glow back? 

Many drugstore products may claim to do this. The effective resurfacing products and techniques used at DANV remove damaged, dead, or “old” skin to reveal fresh, healthy and generally youthful skin underneath. This is accomplished in a variety of ways, including with procedures like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser resurfacing. 

Q. There are so many options. What’s best for me? 

The Visia Skin Analysis machine is an important tool. The best approach depends on your skin’s very unique characteristics, and we get a detailed and precision understanding of this from the Visia machine. Data about your skin and underlying cells is captured, and other information such as your age is plugged into the system to help identify a highly-tailored skin care regimen and treatment plan. Generally, all of the procedures mentioned above slough off the outer layer of skin to stimulate brighter, smoother, more vibrant-looking skin. This is accomplished with either abrading solutions or crystals, or devices that emit laser energy. 

For more information and answers to your specific questions, call 866-808-3140. 

To Learn More About: Skin Care     Please Visit: Dermatology Associates of Northern Virginia, Inc.

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