Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Alter the shape of your body with laser body contouring in CA

Most people have an idea in their heads of what their ideal body should look like. Though a dedicated person can improve their overall health and fitness level with diet and exercise, a healthier lifestyle does not always lead to that ideal body image. In fact, most people find that there will always be areas of their body that do not match their ideal body shape no matter what they do. This is when a dermatologist in San Diego CA can help by providing treatments such as body contouring.

Q: When is body contouring a good option for losing fat?

Body contouring treatments can be an excellent option for patients in good physical condition who have realistic expectations. This type of treatment is not meant to achieve significant weight loss, nor is it meant to be a miracle treatment to lose fat without achieving a healthy lifestyle and maintaining physical fitness. However, for those patients who work hard to stay fit but who simply cannot shake pockets of fat in the abdomen, love handles, or thighs, this treat-ment is often the perfect solution.

Q: How does a laser contouring treatment work?

Laser body contouring works just like any other laser treatment works. By applying the laser to the treatment area, targeted fat cells will be heated by the laser until they have been damaged significantly. Your body will then naturally remove the damaged fat cells, leaving the area free of unwanted fat. A special cooling mechanism will work concurrently with the laser treatment to ensure your skin is kept cool and is not damaged in any way.

Q: What results can I realistically expect from contouring?

Body contouring cannot accomplish drastic changes in weight loss. What you can realistically expect is a more sculpted appearance that fits your mental body image if you maintain optimal physical fitness. Body contouring can help flatten out hard-to-tone areas such as the love han-dles, the stomach, and the thighs.

To Learn More About: Body Contouring      Please Visit: Coastal Skin & Eye Institute

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